College Notices

THANK YOU - Donation of Old Steel-Capped Boots


A big 'Thank You' to our Salvado community of parents, families and staff for the donations of their old steel-capped boots which will provide our students with more opportunities in their future careers. 


The response was overwhelming and we cannot thank you enough for your help and support!  ~ Mr Johns and the Careers Team


Donations are still open till 10 May (Friday). Please drop off your old pair of boots at our Main Reception. Thank you!


Should you have any queries, please contact Mr Luke Johns at

National Walk Safely to School Day 


Now in its 25th year, National Walk Safely to School Day (WSTSD) is an annual event when all Primary School children will be encouraged to walk and commute safely to school. It is a Community Event seeking to promote Road Safety, Health, Public Transport and the Environment.



It is important for children and young people to be active every day. Physical activity has may social, emotional, physial and mental health benefits. Walking to school is a great way to incorporate physical activity into a daily routine to support healthy development. Regular physical activity, especially walking, can improve self-esteem and confidence, help concentration and improve overall fitness. 


This year, WSTSD will take place on Friday 10 May 2024. Let's all encourage our children and students to be active each day to establish good habits that can stay with them throughout their lives. 

Pre-Kindergarten Enrolments 2024

As Thursday’s Pre-Kindergarten class is now full, we have added a class on Mondays commencing Monday 29 April.  This runs Mondays during Term from 9:00am to 2:45pm at a cost of $568 per term (8 weeks). If you are interested in enrolling, please request an enrolment pack on our website or collect one from the Main Reception.

Keyed Up Music Enrolments