Mission & Faith Life

May - Month of Mary

The month of May focuses on Mary, Mother of God, and praying the Hail Mary.


Click here to read more about Mary and the month of May. 


Click here for a useful video– How to pray the Rosary.



This painting is of Our Lady of Good Council. It was given to Rosendo Salvado, by St. Vincent Palotti in Rome in 1845. Salvado travelled with this painting all the way to Western Australia then transported it to the Mission in New Norcia. When the Mission was threatened by fire, Salvado prayed before the flames with the painting of Our Lady and the settlement was saved. Our Lady now hangs in the Abbey Church in New Norcia.




A Prayer for our Mothers

Loving creator, 

you called upon your servant Mary to bring your Son into the world. 

We give thanks for her, and for all mothers who bear witness to your love. 

Their generosity and strength have blessed generations. 

Please bless our mothers. 

Ease their worry for the families you entrust to them, 

guide them in times of doubt, 

and hold them close when they are overwhelmed by both joy and sorrow. 

May they know our deep gratitude for giving us life and love. 

In union with Mary, we ask this through Jesus Christ, your Son. 


Community Mass - Grandparents' Mass

In Week 5, the College will come together for our Community Mass led by Fr. Mark. All are welcome to this Mass - students, parents carers and friends. A special invitation is extended to our Salvado Catholic College GRANDPARENTS. We are celebrating this mass to acknowledge and give thanks for all of our wonderful grandparents.

LifeLink Day

LifeLink Day will be launched in Week 5 on Wednesday 15 May. On this day students are invited to bring a GOLD COIN donation for LifeLink – A Catholic Care Agency. Click here to read about the different care agencies that your child’s donation will support.

Christian Service Learning 

Our Christian Service Learning Program is now in full swing. Our Year 8s have been helping in all sorts of areas around the College, while some of our Year 9 students went on their first trip to Armadale Place Care Community to spend some time with the elderly. It’s so wonderful to see our students following in the footsteps of Jesus and putting their love and faith in action! 

Thank You - Project Compassion




Thank you to our Salvado Catholic College Community for generously supporting Project Compassion this year. Over the Lenten season, our College raised $1659. This money will help address the challenges of poverty and contribute to lasting change and a better future for vulnerable communities across the world.



Pope Francis' Monthly Prayer Intention

In May, we pray for the formation of men and women religious and for seminarians.



The Holy Father encourages prayers for the formation of men and women religious and for seminarians, emphasising the ongoing development of their vocations through grace, prayer, community, and witness to the Gospel.





Heavenly Father, 

We pray that religious women and men, 

and seminarians, 

grow in their own vocations 

through their human, pastoral, 

spiritual and community formation, 

leading them to be credible witnesses to the Gospel.



Please click here to read more about the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network and this month’s intention.