A Message from the Principal

Dear Parents and Carergivers 


As we move into Term Two, it's crucial to reflect on our collective efforts to ensure every student's success. One area that requires attention is student attendance. Attendance plays a pivotal role in academic achievement, social development, and future success. However, we've noticed some concerning trends that demand attention and action.


Consistent attendance fosters a positive learning environment and enhances students' engagement with the curriculum, classmates, and teachers. It establishes routines crucial for academic progress and prepares students for the responsibilities they'll encounter beyond the college gates. It's our shared responsibility to uphold the importance of regular attendance and address any barriers hindering it.


While many of our students demonstrate exemplary attendance habits, there are others who struggle to maintain consistent attendance. Whether it's due to health issues, family holidays during term time, family circumstances, or disengagement, every absence represents a missed opportunity for learning and growth.  The graphic below clearly shows how absenteeism can significantly impact on a child's education. 

As partners in your child's education, we ask that you support the College in ensuring your child's absences are minimised. Your active participation and support are invaluable in promoting a culture of attendance excellence and ensuring the success of every student.


Peace & Goodness to all,

Ian Hagen
