Religious Education

Mother's Day Celebrations

On Thursday 9 May, all mothers and significant women in the lives of our children are invited to join us for our Mother’s Day Prayer Service and afternoon activities in classrooms.


          2.10pm School gates open 

          2:30pm Mother’s Day Prayer Service in Family Groups in designated areas 


We have divided students into 3 groups based on their surname so that their Mum/ significant woman can be with all their child/ren for the Prayer Service. The Prayer Service will ‘run’ simultaneously in 3 different areas/ spaces. 

Group 1Surnames A-CDigi Tech/ Library 
Group 2Surnames D-KPrayer Space (middle room of Community Hall)
Group 3Surnames L-ZGreat Space

          2.50-3.30 Mother’s Day Afternoon Activities in classrooms


We look forward to our mothers and significant women joining us.


Andrew Chinn Workshops and Concert

On Monday 13 May, Australian religious songwriter and singer, Andrew Chinn, will be visiting our school to share his songs with our children. Andrew’s songs, such as “These Hands”, “Rainbow”, “An African Blessing” and “Rise Up!” are used in classrooms and liturgies around Australia, New Zealand, USA and Canada. 


The workshop and concert will take place in THE GREAT SPACE (where we have Assembly). Families are welcome to join us for their child/ren’s workshop or the Whole School Concert (from 2:35-3:25pm).


Monday, May 13, 2024

               9:15-9:55 P-2 Workshop

               10:00-10:45 3-4 Workshop

               11:55-12:40 5-6 Workshop

               12:45-1:25 Choir Workshop

                2:35-3:25 Whole School Concert


We look forward to seeing you there.



Sacrament of First Eucharist (Holy Communion)  Key Dates

The Sacrament of First Eucharist is available for students in Year 4 who have been Baptised and made their Reconciliation and are yet to receive this Sacrament.

Term 3 Wk 2


25 July 6:00pm HT Sacrament of First Eucharist Family Night
Term 3 Wk 2


27 July6:00pm HT Sacrament of First Eucharist Commitment Mass OR
Term 3 Wk 2


28 July10:30am HT Sacrament of First Eucharist Commitment Mass



The Sacrament of First Eucharist will be celebrated at St Jude’s Church...

Term 3 Wk 9


14 Sept

2:00pm HT Sacrament of First Eucharist 

(limited numbers) OR

4:00pm HT Sacrament of First Eucharist 

(limited numbers)

  • The First Eucharist Family Workshop Night (child and at least one parent are asked to attend) will be held at St Jude’s Church. 
  • The First Eucharist Commitment Mass and the Sacrament of First Eucharist Mass will be held at St Jude’s Church.




Weekly Masses

Wednesday, Thursday & Friday at 9.15am


Weekend Masses 

Saturday 6pm, 

Sunday 8.30am & 10.30am 

Reconciliation by appointment (contact Fr Jerald or Fr  Joel at Parish Office)


St Jude's Weekly Newsletter