What's Happening In Primary

News and Information from Primary

Family and Friends Morning

DCS Primary was buzzing on Monday with a large number of family and friends that students had invited to come and share the morning with them. Thank you to all our families for continuing to partner with us and making DCS the community it is. Seeing families join together in this learning community brings joy to students, families and the DCS Team.


Year 1/2 Walker Student Reflections:

Nyah C: My Mum's friend Vanessa came for the morning. We played with playdough. I interviewed her and asked her questions. I love her coming to our school. 

Eddie C: It was fun. My Grandma (Dad's Mum) and my Mum came. We played some board games and made shapes with rubber bands on Geoboards. I liked showing them my classroom.

Finnley G: The morning was fun. My Nan and Mum came. I showed them my work in my Maths book. We did some rubber band shapes and playdough.


Year 5/6 Reflection:

Felix L: The Family and Friends Morning started with a whole school assembly. At the assembly, we sang the song “Reason” to show the parents who haven’t been to our Worship Wednesdays what we do every Wednesday. Then Mr Evans told us the story of the 5000 people that were crowded around Jesus when he was preaching. Mr Evans told us that the thing that really stood out to him was the boy with the five loaves of bread and the two fish. Mr Evans said that the reason he gave his food to Jesus was because he believed.  After that, Mr Smit came up to talk for a while. Then after the assembly the Year 5/6 students went back to class to do a “left and right brain” activity. Students (plus family and friends) were asked a series of questions to determine if they were left brained or right brained. Each student showed around their visitor (if they had one) and showed them what they were working on. We did the left brain right brain activities with friends and family until it was time for them to go to the morning tea.

Year 3/4 Learn to Swim Reflections:

Over the past week, our Year 3/4 students have participated in the Learn to Swim program at Splash Devonport. Each student has participated with enthusiasm and a willingness to learn new water safety skills, which will continue to develop in the coming years. A special thank you to all the parent helpers and volunteers who have assisted the Prep to Year 4 students and DCS staff over the past 2 weeks. Please see the reflections from some of the students:


Grace: I loved being in the lifejackets and jumping in the deep end! It was very fun!

Taylah: I like that the swimming teachers would help you if you could not do something.

Thomas: I like how they test us with freestyle swimming.

Ellie: I loved practicing the dolphin dives.

Malacai: I love practicing and swimming with a kickboard.

Lexi: The water was cold but I enjoyed finding the sinkies.

Walk Safely to School Day

It was wonderful to gather as the DCS Community and have so many families join us to Walk Safely to School on Friday morning. We were blessed with wonderful weather, muffins, hot drinks, juice and a DCS bus ride back for the parents!

Primary Cross Country

All Primary students will be participating in the DCS Primary Cross Country next Wednesday 22nd May from 8.50am.  


The cross count will be conducted at DCS with students commencing on the Don Oval. Each year level will complete a specially designed course of varied lengths for their year level group.


Please ensure that on the day your child wears their P.E. uniform. A house-coloured t-shirt can be worn in place of the P.E. t-shirt, and students should bring the following:

  • Plenty of water to drink
  • Jumper/raincoat
  • Spare clothes, shoes and socks in case they get wet and/or muddy.

This will once again be a wonderful community event, with all community members welcome to come and support students.   Events such as the Primary Cross Country cannot run smoothly without the incredible help and support from our parents and volunteers.


Please click here if you are available on Wednesday 22nd May to volunteer throughout the day, and have completed our Working With Our Children Course this year.


Cross Country Times (approx.)



Distance (approximate)


Year 2



Year 1



Kinder H



Kinder C



Prep M



Prep B



Year 3



Year 4






Year 5



Year 6


Upcoming Launch of Year 9 at DCS

In 2025, DCS is excited to welcome our first cohort of Year 9 students, marking an important milestone in our school's journey. As our students progress into Years 9 and 10, they begin to explore their future educational and career paths, while also growing personally and spiritually.


Information Session Announcement 

We invite all DCS families to join us on Wednesday, 22nd May in the JILOA Centre for an information session about the launch of Year 9. This event will provide insights into the new opportunities available to our Year 9 and future Year 10 students.


Event Details:

Pre-event Meet and Greet: Start the evening with a warm drink from 6:45pm.

Information Session: The presentation will commence at 7:00pm and go until 8:30pm.


Special Invitation for Parents: We encourage parents of students in Years 5 - 8 to attend. This session will be particularly beneficial for you to understand how DCS will support your children through their crucial secondary school years.


We look forward to seeing you there and discussing how we can support our students together.

Scholastic Book Club

The latest copy of the Scholastic Book Club catalogue has been sent home with all Primary students recently.  If you do not receive a catalogue, and would like one, please come and visit us at the school office.  Alternatively you can view the catalogue online here.


Parents please note: whilst the book clubs offer you the opportunity to purchase quality books at great prices, as well as allowing us to expand our resources, you are under no obligation to purchase items.


All book club orders must be placed online via Scholastic Book Club LOOP for parents.  LOOP is the Scholastic Book Club Linked Online Order & Payment platform. 


To order and pay, please visit: www.scholastic.com.au/LOOP or download the LOOP app from your App Store.


The current catalogue will close on Friday 17th May.


For further information, please visit: www.scholastic.com.au/parents to find out more.


Thank you.

Save the Date: Founder's Day

Are you a past student, staff member, Founder or Legacy partner of DCS? We are forever grateful for all the people who have helped to build DCS over the years into the growing, thriving school it is today, and we want to honour and celebrate you!


Our Founder’s Day is a time to reminisce, share memories and celebrate, not only our Founders, but all of the past students and families who have called DCS ‘home’ over the last 32 years, and the current Legacy partners who are working with us as we progress our vision into the Secondary years.


If you have been involved at DCS as a Founder, past parent, staff member or student, are a current DCS family or are involved as a Legacy partner, we would love for you to join us for our Founder’s Day, Thursday 20th June.


Please rsvp to admin@dcs.tas.edu.au

Upcoming Events:

Fri 17th May8.30amPrimary Assembly
 2.30pmDCS Community Prayer
  Scholastic Book Club orders close
Mon 20th May8.30amPrimary Assembly
Tue 21st May6.30pm

Faith In Our Future town hall event:

Launceston Christian School

Wed 22nd May8.30amWorship Wednesday (Primary)
 9.00amPrimary Cross Country
 7.00pmLaunch Year 9 Information Evening
Fri 24th May8.30amPrimary Assembly
 2.30pmDCS Community Prayer
Mon 27th May8.30amPrimary Assembly
Tue 28th May NWPSSA Cross Country (Yr 3-6)
Wed 29th May8.30amWorship Wednesday (Primary)
 12.00pmNational Simultaneous Storytime
Fri 31st May8.30amPrimary Assembly
 2.30pmDCS Community Prayer