Principal's Ponderings

From our Principal - Mr Chad Smit

I often reflect on the journeys I have embarked upon - both the physical and spiritual journey. I recall a time when I was set to go on an adventure, a bush walk ready to climb a mountain. With excitement, I travelled to the destination, only to find that on the day of arrival the mountain was hidden behind a dense veil of clouds. Despite me knowing its location, the mountain remained unseen, shrouded in mist. I knew it was there, but I just couldn’t see it. This experience reminded me of Hebrews 11:1, which tells us, “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.”

At this moment, still wanting to master the mountain, I remembered another mountain climb when I was in my youth. It was an adventure where I climbed a different mountain and reached its summit, only to find at the end of the climb to be enveloped in clouds. This time round, I knew I had to wait for a clear day to appreciate the view that awaited at this new climb. While I saw clouds hiding the peak, I chose to explore the lower landscapes, discovering beauty in the accessible paths and sceneries. When the day finally came with clear skies, I ascended the mountain and was greeted by an extraordinary panorama. The wait and the obscured views along the way made the eventual sight all the more rewarding.

This experience also serves as a metaphor for our faith journey. Often, we set out with a clear goal in mind, only to find our paths clouded by uncertainties and trials. Like the obscured mountain, our goals or God’s plans for us might not always be visible. Yet Scripture encourages us to trust in God’s presence and guidance, even when we cannot see the end result, praise Him even through it. In Psalm 23:4, David speaks of walking through the darkest valley but fearing no evil, because God is with him. His trust was not in the clarity of his situation but in the character and presence of God who guided him.


We are reminded to live by faith and not by sight in 2 Corinthians 5:7 (some of us remember having those stickers on our cars - No Fear). Our journey with Christ often requires us to trust in His guidance when the path is not clear, to persevere in hope even when our goals are obscured by the ‘clouds’ of our circumstances. The Apostle Paul in Romans 8:24-25 writes, “For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what they already have? But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.”


As a community at Devonport Christian School, let us encourage each other to trust in the Lord’s timing and His perfect plans. Even when our 'mountains are hidden', let us remember that each step taken in faith is a step toward His plans for a hope and a future with Jesus. Let’s hold fast to the promise in Isaiah 40:31, “But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”

In trusting Jesus, we find the hope to continue climbing, assured that the view from the summit will be worth every challenging step.


Chad Smit | Principal