General Information & Reminders


Homework will commence in Week 2 with the new Term 2 Homework Grid. Please remember to also continue with the following:

  • Daily independent reading to promote enjoyment and interest. When you have your child read aloud to you, here are a few questions you can ask to help with comprehension:  What is the story about? Why do you think they made that choice? Was it a good choice? Why did that happen? What do you think will happen next? What was your favourite part of the story so far? Why?
  • Gaining fluency in the recall of multiplication facts - 2x, 3x, 5x, and 10x and beyond, depending on understanding and ability. Here are a few tips to help with quick mental calculations: 

2 x is doubling (2 x 4 = 8, double 4 is 8).

3 x is doubling plus one group more (3 x 4 = 12, double 4 is 8 plus 4 more is 12).

5 x is 10 x halved (5 x 4 = 20, 10 times 4 is 40, half of 40 is 20) - this can be tricky for some and many still prefer skip counting at this stage.

10 x is the number you are x 10 by in the tens place and a zero in the ones place (10 x 4 = 40, 4 is in the tens place and zero is in the ones place).


Homework will go home on a Wednesday and is due back on a Tuesday.



As part of our Homework routine, students are required to record their weekly reading and read aloud to a parent/guardian. Parents are asked to sign the school diaries at least once per week to indicate that they have heard their child read. Teachers will check the diaries each Thursday.