
Number & Algebra   I   Measurement & Geometry   I   Statistics & Probability


Our Number and Algebra focus for Term 2 has begun with revisiting Addition and Subtraction and the various strategies we can use to solve problems. In the second half of the term, we will be starting with an in-depth unit on Multiplication and learning about the connection it has with Division. Practising Times Tables at home is a very valuable tool and helps with the instant recall of number facts, particularly 2x, 3x, 5x and 10x. 


In Measurement and Geometry, we will be learning to tell time to the minute, investigate the relationship between units of time and measure the duration of time. We will also be creating and using grid maps to describe locations. Area and perimeter will also be a focus, which enables the students to apply their multiplicative thinking, as well as formal units of measurement. 


In Statistics and Probability, we will be learning about the language associated with probability and conducting chance experiments, including making predictions about possible outcomes. We will also revisit collecting, categorising and analysing data.


Problem-Solving will be incorporated regularly throughout all Mathematical areas to provide students with the opportunity to build on their own understanding and strategy use.