The Fun Week That Was in Prep! 

We hope this message finds you well and ready for another exciting update from our classroom!  Here's a glimpse into the wonderful week we've had:


Welcome Caitlin C!

Let's give a warm round of applause for our newest addition to Prep, Caitlin C! With Caitlin B already part of our class, we're just missing a Caitlin A to complete the trio! Our Prep students have been amazing in welcoming Caitlin C into our fold, showing her kindness and making sure she feels right at home. 


Exploring Literacy Adventures

This week, we embarked on a journey into the world of literacy, venturing into Stage 2 sounds with enthusiasm! Meet our new friends from the Little Learners Love Literacy Program: Yasmin the yak, here to help us remember the /y/ sound, and Roxy the rabbit, aiding us in recalling the /r/ sound. Our literacy sessions have been filled with spelling practice and sentence writing, as we dive deeper into the wonders of language.

Fine-Tuning Fine Motor Skills

In our quest for knowledge, we've been honing our fine motor skills through engaging rotations. These skills are vital as they lay the foundation for success across all areas of learning. From pencil grip to intricate tasks, our students are mastering the art of control and precision.

Numeracy Adventures

Counting has never been more fun! We've been sharpening our counting strategies through a variety of exciting numeracy rotations. From basic counting to more complex concepts, our students are embracing the world of numbers with gusto.

Embracing Term 2 Independence

As we stride into Term 2, we're immensely proud of how well our students have adapted to school life. Encouraging independence is key, and we're delighted to see our students confidently making their way into class each morning. This independence fosters confidence and sets the stage for future success.


Library Explorations

Our students had a blast borrowing books from the library this week! They also had the wonderful opportunity to engage in reading sessions with Year 3/4 students, who guided them in navigating the library shelves and delving into the magical world of books.


Homework Insights

Week 2 will mark the introduction of homework, including the exciting addition of Little Learners Love Literacy decoders for reading. Detailed instructions will accompany the homework, providing you with all the information needed to support your child on this learning journey.


Term 2 Timetable

Friendly Reminders

As we transition into Term 2, please note that assemblies will now take place on Fridays from 3-3:30 pm.


Remember, rolls are marked promptly at 9 am. If your child arrives after this time, kindly sign them in at the office.

Should your child have an appointment or be feeling under the weather, please notify us through Compass. Your support in ensuring regular attendance is greatly appreciated.


We're looking forward to another fantastic week ahead, filled with laughter, learning, and endless possibilities!