A message from David 

Principal's Report

Welcome Back

A wonderful start to Term 2 with students readily engaging in their learning tasks and re-connecting with friends. It is always pleasing to walk through the school and see a safe, purposeful and stimulating learning environment. 


Term 2 has a lot on offer. Already, our senior students have competed in their Gala Sport Day. Chess Club and Code Camp are back and soon, our students will compete in the House Cross Country at Elgar Park. Camps are organised and there will be opportunity celebrate Education Week and NAIDOC Week.


And of course, there’s a big event on Friday … a Movie Night for the Box Hill North community. This is in recognition of the exceptional behavioural choices of our students, as they collectively demonstrated the core values of Compassion, Courage, Ambition and Creativity. We all look forward to seeing everyone come together. Should the weather be less kind than what our students have shown, the event will be held in the gym. Don’t forget to bring your tickets to enter the door prizes.



Towards the end of last term, we trialed an SMS notification system with our families in the junior classes. This has now been officially introduced across the school. Teachers mark their roll at 9am and if your child is not in attendance, you will receive an SMS. This is designed to ensure our safety measures are in place, following our policy. If you know your child is going to be absent, it is best practice to enter this through Compass at earliest convenience. Our classrooms open at 8:50am and this is the expectation for students to arrive and settle into their routines before lessons begin at 9am. Thank you for your support as we work together in ensuring every minute counts towards your child’s education.


Welcome Jemma

Jemma has officially started as Kindergarten Director, replacing Charlotte, who is now on Family Leave. Jemma has already made a positive start, connecting with students, parents and staff. She will add value to our team and community and I know you will help her feel welcome at Box Hill North.  Welcome Jemma.

