Years 7-9 Coordinator

Jade Nicholls

7-9 Key Dates:



Fri17thNCD Cross Country
Mon20thWhole School Assembly, Stadium 9am 
Tues28thLMR Cross Country
Mon10thKing’s Birthday (PUBLIC HOLIDAY)

House Athletics

Last Day of Term 2

Morrisby Profiling

Tomorrow, Year 9 students will be diving into their Morrisby Career Path Profiling! 🎉 This means students will get to explore different career options based on their interests and strengths. 


In Term 3, students will have the chance to chat with a career consultant in interviews. They will help students unpack their results and brainstorm ideas for their future. This is a fantastic opportunity to kick-start career conversations and begin their personal exploration adventure. Year 9s: get ready to unlock new possibilities and dive into your exciting future!


Whole School Assembly

A reminder that we hold our whole school assembly this coming Monday, 20th May in the Stadium beginning at 9am. We welcome parents to join us to celebrate student successes across the college and share important notices and events coming up.


Inclusivity in our College

It has been great to see students contributing to making our College a more inclusive and welcoming place for all. Here's a quick shout-out to some recent acts of inclusivity:

  • Supportive Friendships: Many of you have been spotted reaching out to new students or those who may feel left out, showing kindness and friendship in action.
  • Respectful Interactions: Whether it's in the classroom, on the sports field, or during lunch breaks, students have been treating each other with respect and consideration, embracing our diverse community.
  • Inclusive Language: We've noticed students using inclusive language that respects everyone's identities and backgrounds, creating an environment where everyone feels accepted and valued.
  • Standing Up Against Bullying: When witnessing instances of bullying or exclusion, students have stepped up to support their peers and report such behaviors, showing courage and empathy.

These actions, big and small, are what make Charlton College a place where everyone can feel safe, supported, and celebrated for who they are. Let's keep up the fantastic work and continue to uphold inclusivity across our school!