Chaplain's Message

New Life

During the holidays I went to Darwin for a meeting of the Northen Synod of the Uniting Church. The theme was New Life, and it was a joy and a relief to take a break from all the doom, gloom and tragedy of the news and have permission to focus on that which is good and new and life giving!


The rain over the holidays created a conducive environment for appreciating the beauty of our special place here in Central Australia – new growth brings the green carpet thrown across the hills, the trickling streams washing the rocky places bringing pools of refreshing water for our parched wildlife, the flowing rivers music to our ears and overflowing waterholes a place for swimming and picnics!


It was Easter which comes with the promise of new life and new beginnings and resurrection life. Despite the horrors of the world, we are reminded in Deuteronomy “Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord our God who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you."


As I drafted my report for the meeting and focused on the new life at St Philip's, I reflected that without new life there would be no school, any school. New students, new opportunities, new gifts and talents keep us alive and vibrant and moving forward. The Discovery Centre with its emerging personality and the Sustainable Learning Centre with its creative programs and inspiring and innovative use of our beautiful environment are prime examples of new life! I felt proud to be able to share with the wider community some of the wonderful things that are taking place right here, regardless of depressing and sad reports we watch and listen to each day.


May we take advice from Philippians 4:8

“Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things."


Have a wonderful term and treasure each other as we give thanks for the gift of life every day!


~Pastor Sarah Pollitt

College Chaplain