
All Year 9 Students & Year 10 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Students

In the Northern Territory ALL STUDENTS in Year 9 are eligible to receive the Meningococcal ACWY vaccine.


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students aged 14 years and over (Years 9 and 10) are also eligible to receive a pneumococcal and influenza vaccine.


Consent forms were sent home to the mailing address we have on file for your child and there are links below for your convenience.


If you have not yet received a consent form, please complete the form/s below and return to Reception, Student Access or the Medical Centre no later than Tuesday, 7th May


No Vaccines will be given without parental consent.


If you have any queries, please contact the Medical Centre on 89504567 or email


Thank you, 

Sam Greathead & Debbie Page

Medical Centre Staff