Primary Bulletin

Life is very smooth in the Primary School building as I write this report.
The students have returned from holidays and have slipped into their class routines with ease. The teachers work hard to set students up in first term, so that they are ready to learn when they enter the classroom daily. As I head down the corridor, I catch conversations that indicate the high level of engagement the students have with their teachers.
On Wednesday 24th April, students, staff and special guests were invited to attend our annual ANZAC Day service. Our school leaders and Year 9 students conducted a very moving event including poetry readings, stories of the people who have fought for our country and the important role that women have played in the wars to support our men and various war efforts. This is an important event for our school as it gives our students a glimpse into the history of our country and helps them to understand how lucky they are to live in a place that values peace and democracy.
Next Friday, 3rd May the Prep - Year 3 students will commence their Gymnastics program at the Macleod YMCA. This is a highlight of term 2 and the students are eagerly awaiting to start. They will leave school at 12:40pm and walk to the YMCA ready for their session to start at 1:00pm. I suggest parents pack a little extra food for them to eat at recess, as they will be returning at the end of lunchtime and eat a late lunch. Lunch orders are not recommended on these days.
On this day, the Year 4 - 6 students will also begin their Interschool Sports Program for the term. This term they are playing Netball and Tee-ball. Games are played weekly against other schools in the area and the experience is really enjoyed by the students, as they learn new skills of their chosen sport, which is the focus of the program. They also have opportunities to meet other children whom they may meet again in their secondary school years.
This term, our Year 5 and 6 will be invited to participate in a taster day here at Macleod. They will experience some different classes that happen in a typical secondary school day, such as Science in our awesome Science block, a Food Technology class, Physical Education class and more. This day gives students a glimpse of what life in secondary school will be like for a Macleod College student.
On Saturday 4th May, we will be holding our Primary Open Morning from 9:30 – 12:00pm. The Primary School building will be open for people to come through and see our facilities. The Primary teachers will be here to chat with people and answer any questions they have about our school. If you have any neighbours who are in the process of looking at schools for their children for 2025 and beyond, please mention this event to them. We would love to see them here.
It’s Walk to School Day on Friday 10th May. This initiative was started to get kids in the habit of walking to school young to help them feel great now, and lead healthy, active lives into the future. That’s what VicHealth’s Walk to School initiative is all about. This includes working with schools and local councils to make it easy, safe and accessible. We encourage everyone to participate in this event, even if you normally drive your children to school, you could park a little further away and walk the rest of the way to school.