Assistant Principal News

ANZAC Day 2024

Everyone has a special story to tell about someone they know or someone they look up to with the ANZAC spirit.  As I walked through the school this week, students proudly and with wonder, shared stories about their relatives, grandads and great-grandfathers who fought in different wars for the Australia in which we live today.  This spirit and awareness were evident in the respect shown by all our students on Wednesday afternoon at our special pre-ANZAC Day Ceremony this week.  


Our School Captains capably led the annual assembly, sharing an explanation of the day’s significance, the Ode of Remembrance, the laying of a wreath made by our Year 2 art students and The Rouse relayed by Mrs Digby, whilst the flags were raised from half to full mast. Foundation and Year 6 students planted red poppies to symbolically reimagine Flanders Fields. The valley of fields south of ANZAC beach was named Poppy Valley for the array of poppies which bloomed after the battle on the Gallipoli peninsula in Ottoman Turkey.


Mr Ridgway appealed directly to our students to show the ANZAC spirit in everyday school life.  We thank the many attending community members and all of those involved in organising this ceremony and especially, we thank all students for the respect they showed. 


I attended the Melbourne march on April 25th with my family, where many primary school children were involved, honoring soldiers and support workers on ANZAC Day. With respect, including Indigenous servicemen and women, the experience helps educate them about Australia's diverse history and the contributions of different cultural groups. This contributes to the broader process of reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians. It provides an opportunity for intergenerational dialogue, cultural exchange, and mutual respect, strengthening relationships within the community.


By contributing and honoring all people involved in battle directly and indirectly on ANZAC Day, our young children continue to build a deeper understanding of Australia's history and present day battles, to promote reconciliation, and uphold the values of respect, responsibility, courtesy and co-operation.


Lest We Forget









Leisel Ward