Learning Centre News... 

Learning Centre One

What a busy couple of weeks it has been, the preps have been engaged in their learning, especially the experiments they have been participating in throughout Inquiry. They enjoyed attending their first Athletics Day, where they were able to show great sportsmanship and resilience. 

In Literacy, the students revised their phase 2 sounds and began exploring the sounds that J/V/W make. Students have been looking at the features of a non-fiction text and how these texts gives us information, which contain specific nouns and has a range of features. The preps explored nouns, adjectives and verbs while reading. In their writing the preps started to look at how capital letters and full stops are used and how they can use it, so that their writing makes sense to the reader. 

During Maths, the students have been learning about doubles of numbers and have been engaged in a range of activities to make and create doubles. They played hopscotch and had to make the double of the number that they landed on. The preps then started to learn about partitioning and that two numbers make the whole of the number being explored, example 7 and 3 makes 10, 4 and 6 makes 10 etc.

Throughout Religion, they have continued to look at story of 'the resurrection' and how it made Jesus’ followers feel when he rose from the dead. They explored Mary Magdalen and how she was a devout follower of Jesus’. 


On Wednesday, families were able to join us in our Mother's Day breakfast and liturgy celebration and spend time with their children in the learning space. We wish every Mum, Grandma and significant female in the students lives a magnificent Mothers Day for this weekend. We hope that you’re all spoilt rotten!

Some friendly reminders:

  • Monday 13th May - Assembly 9 am, ALL WELCOME
  • Thursday 16th May - Inform and Empower (Cyber Safety) Parent Webinar 7:30 pm
  • Friday 17th May - Whole School Mass 12 pm, ALL WELCOME
  • Sunday 19th May - Community Mass 10 am, ALL WELCOME
  • Wednesday 22nd May - National Simultaneous Storytime
  • Monday 27th May - STEM Day

Prep Team - Amanda, Donna, Rachael, Kiah, 

Sarena, Teagan, Sam, Marion, Tina & Dasanthi. 


Learning Centre Two

LITERACY - Reading

This term, each 5/6 class group has begun to read a shared novel together each week. While their teacher reads to them, the students follow along on their copy of the text. They discuss their thoughts about the events of the story, expand their vocabulary, check for understanding by asking questions and think about the choices the author has made. Scott's class are reading 'Holes' by Loius Sacher, Chelsea's group are enjoying 'The One and Only Ivan' by Katherine Applegate,  and Ann is reading 'The Bone Sparrow' by Zana Fraillon to her students. In Ben's classroom, the students are listening to 'The Famous Five' by Enid Blyton, and Krystin and Zach's group are reading 'Black Cockatoo' and 'Dirrarn' by Carl Merrison and Hakea Hustler.

LITERACY - Writing

In the lead-up to ANZAC Day, we remembered those who fought and still fought for our freedom.  In reading lessons, we read the book called 'Gallipoli' and Scott's class spent time discussing the illustrations and writing adjectival phrases to describe what they 

Each week, the senior students have been looking at a range of images to complete a descriptive writing task. They have worked together to build lists of adjectival phrases using nouns and adjectives, then used these to write their own descriptive piece.

Each student has been working on a small surprise for some very special ladies in our lives. Here are some samples from Ann's class...


For the first few weeks of term, the students have been investigating the concept of tessellation. They used a digital drawing program to design a shape and then used this shape to create a repetitive pattern without overlapping. Here is some of the work that Ben's class created.

Over the last fortnight, students have been developing their understanding of fractions. They have worked with paper strips to fold them into equal parts and build fraction walls and fraction families. They have also been working towards a greater understanding of proper and improper fractions, and mixed numbers. Chelsea's students have shared their work below.



Last Monday, the 5/6s gave their all on the whole school athletics day. Their laughter was heard across the sports field as they enjoyed the day with their friends. Everybody was encouraging of each other and all students tried their best at each event.

5/6 CAMP

Here are the slides that were presented at the online camp meeting. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask your child's teacher. Please ensure you have completed the online permission and medical forms on the ICON Parent Portal. If you need help with accessing these, please contact Chrissy on the office phone or via email: czammit@olscwyn.catholic.edu.au


2024 Young Voices Awards

Students in Years 5 and 6 are invited to participate in the Australian Catholics Young Voices Awards. There are three categories: Print, Digital (Podcast or Video), or Photography. Please take a look at the website www.australiancatholics.com.au/yva for further information. Entries close 24th May, 2024. Have a go and good luck!




  • Friday 10th May - Mother's Day Stall
  • Monday 13th May - Assembly 9 am, ALL WELCOME
  • Wednesday 15th May - Year 5s attending MacKillop Production
  • Thursday 16th May - Inform and Empower (Cyber Safety) Webinar 7:30 pm
  • Friday 17th May - Whole School Mass 12 pm, ALL WELCOME
  • Sunday 19th May - Community Mass 10 am, ALL WELCOME
  • Wednesday 22nd May - National Simultaneous Storytime
  • Tuesday 28th May - Divisional Cross Country
  • Monday 27th May - STEM Day
  • Friday 31st May - Winter Gala Day

Year 5/6 Team:  Ann, Anna, Ben, Bianca, Chelsea, Cheryl, Danielle, Isaac, Kristina, Krystin, Selena, Scott and Zach.

Learning Centre Three

It’s been an exciting and busy time at school. We had our Athletics Day, which was a big success. Thank you families for joining us that day and great resilience was shown by the students, they all participated and were being good sports!



In Literacy, we started looking at different materials and finding words to describe them. We also looked at finding facts about different materials. 


In Maths, we have been learning about mass and capacity. We used scales to collect data on mass and different containers to compare the capacity of them.



In Inquiry, our focus has been on science and we looked at different materials and types of science. As part of this, the students have begun to take part in scientific experiments and write in our experiment reports about it. 



In Religion, we have been looking at the bible stories of when Jesus appeared to his disciples. We identified how the disciples felt when they saw Jesus and what we thought about the story.


As this Sunday is Mother's Day, We wish all our Mothers, Grandmothers and Motherly figures in our lives, a ‘Happy Mothers Day’. On Wednesday, we had families joining us for our Mother’s Day breakfast and liturgy. Students got to visit the Mother’s Day stall which was lots of fun. 



Year 1/2 Team - Gabby, Gillian, Imogen, Janeen, Jamie, Jess, Jordan, Mary, Shalome, Tasmin, Tina and  Sue.



  • Monday 13th May - Assembly 9am, ALL WELCOME
  • Wednesday 15th May - Crazy Chemical Incursion (1/2 Blue, 1/2 Green, 1/2 Red)
  • Thursday 16th May - Inform and Empower (Cyber Safety) Webinar 7:30pm
  • Friday 17th May - Whole School Mass 12pm, ALL WELCOME
  • Sunday 19th May - Community Mass 10am, ALL WELCOME
  • Wednesday 22nd May - National Simultaneous Storytime
  • Friday 24th May  - Crazy Chemical Incursion (1/2 Yellow, 1/2 Orange, 1/2 White)
  • Monday 27th May - STEM Day

Learning Centre Four

The last two weeks have been very busy in LC4 with last Monday all the students taking part in the school athletics day, as well as the science rotations and experiments, graphing and Mothers day Craft activities. Also our First Eucharist students took part in their spirituality day and faith night. 


Mothers day craft  (Mihira)

The students have been making mothers day crafts as a gift for their mums.They have been painting on small pieces of wood that are shaped to make an image. It made us smile seeing their beautiful art skills.They had a lot of fun painting  and interacted with others.


Maths (Risha)

Over the last two weeks we have been learning about graphing and data. The students created human bar graphs. The student used this data to create different graphs both in the books and digitally. 


Inquiry - Science

Students got to learn about different areas in science. The different types of areas were Temperature, Chemistry, Physics, earth science, space, forces like push and pull. Students got to choose an area of science and do some work around it. All of the students enjoyed doing science.  


Eucharist Day (Liliana) 

Students who are making their Eucharist had to stay in the hall and make a small booklet and fill out some things like fill in the words for the responses that we would usually say at Mass like:


Lamb of god, you take away the sins of the world


Lamb of god, you take away the sins of the world


Lamb of god, you take away the sins of the world




Thanks to all our Mothers, Grandmothers and Aunties who joined us for our Mother's Day breakfast and prayer. We hope all of the Mums, Grandmas and all special women of LC4 have a wonderful day of Sunday. 



  • Monday 13th May - Assembly 9am, ALL WELCOME
  • Wednesday 15th May - Hoop Time for some 3/4 students
  • Thursday 16th May - Inform and Empower (Cyber Safety) Webinar 7:30pm
  • Friday 17th May - Whole School Mass 12pm, ALL WELCOME
  • Sunday 19th May - Community Mass 10am, ALL WELCOME
  • Wednesday 22nd May - National Simultaneous Storytime
  • Monday 27th May - STEM Day


Year 3/4 Team: Adam, Alison, Amelia, Beth, Elizabeth, Emma, Hayley, Helen, Isaac, Jannine, John, Josh and Milla.