Year 5/6
Year 5/6 Cluster News
Reading: Aim for 20 minutes minimum reading per night. As students complete a book, they are to record the author, title and date of finishing in their Reader’s Workshop book. We encourage students to read aloud, either to themselves or a parent.
Mathematics: We encourage students to practise their 2s, 5s, & 10 times tables. We are using both the method of knowing the skip counting pattern and then also practisng the times table itself.
Unit of Inquiry: Students are reseraching thier own biome to dive deeply into. They can be using their iPads to research their biome with the subheading we have discussed in class.
Inquiry Biomes task: Friday 10th May
Japan Eisugakkan Visit
On week 1 of Term 3 (Thursday 25th – Sunday 28th July), our sister school Eisugakkan is coming to visit Golden Grove Lutheran. During the visit, the students from Japan will be coming and spending a day with our student to have the experience of a school day in Australia. On Friday 26th July the Japanese students are attending AFL Max as an overnight camp. Students are encouraged to attend this camp for the day to spend with the Japanese students. There will be a cost to families if you wish for your child to attend this camp.
On Saturday 27th July, the Japanese students will then go into homes to have a day and night with our school families. We are looking for more families to host 1 or 2 students. This is such a wonderful opportunity for our children to connect with a different culture and to share our culture. Whilst this may seem daunting, we are fortunate that the Japanese students are taught in English, which will make conversations easier. They will spend a part of Sunday with families before rejoining as a school down at Glenelg.
If you can accommodate a student, can you please contact Bishop Sensei ASAP so we can place students. If you email her at that would be fabulous.
Christian Studies: Students have begun exploring how we make decisions and why we have different perspectives. Next week we are looking at the process we use to make decisions in all areas of our life, leading into how we make ethical decisions and their impact.
Unit Of Inquiry: Students are beginning their summative assessment exploring a specific biomes. This week children have been spending time with researching and taking notes. Next week, students will be crafting their piece of work on their biome. This will be due next Friday 10th May. Students will have plenty of time to be working on this during the day, however, may need to spend time at home next week working on it if they are not on task during class time.
Literacy: Students are investigating reading non-fiction texts, looking at effective note taking while reading and applying their knowledge to form well-structured paragraphs. This has been beneficial to their research on biomes. We are looking at how we read like a researcher to find information in both book form and electronic forms. We are exploring how to write an information report to effectively convey information logically and appropriately. This leads into writing like a researcher.
Mathematics: Students have looked at the importance of patterns in number and linking this to how we learn times tables. This week we are exploring the multiples of 2,5 and 10 as a refresher and next week we will focus on the 3 times tables. This week we have been reviewing data and statistics and focusing on what they mean. We are focusing on Perimeter and area and how we can apply this to everyday life.
Touch Typing: As we have started touch typing, it has become evident that a number of students don’t have a working keyboard. The iPad keyboard will be important in the development of keyboard skills which will be part of their class learning. Headphones will also be regularly used in class for a variety of purposes. Again, thank you for helping with this.
Yours sincerely,
Luke Napier
Lauren Neumann
Jayne Zadow