Before & After school care

WE ARE CLOSED MONDAY & TUESDAY :) Please see the next pupil free day 11/3/25! OSHC will run a full day of care from ST Therese's P.S! (not at violet st however Courtney & Maddy will be there to close) Please book in asap to secure your spot! See the flyer below. 7am-6pm Tuesday 11th of March 2025.

STEM FRIDAYS! Children will be exploring many special activities every Friday ASC for the next 6 weeks- We are making our own individual bubble machines on the 7th of march and holding a scrap paper workshop the following Friday, See below how you can book in!



This week at OSHC- We made some orange & cinnamon tea after last weeks iced tea was a hit! Our sustainability projects on Wednesday sessions have been so much fun, this week we learnt how to make a tee-pee for the garden which we will do next week with our plan and list from this week, thankyou to school gardener Dan who has invited us to use some spare bamboo to create with. I cant wait to share this you in the next newsletter! :) 

Next week at OSHC- We are having a Garden themed week and will learn about bugs, plants, nature and we will be making scarecrows for the garden Thursday the 13th alongside our sustainability club Wednesdays and STEM program Fridays. 

I hope everyone has a wonderful long weekend with their friends & family!


If you would like to find out more about our program please come see us in the multipurpose room 7-9am and 2:30-6:00! 

Warm regards,

Courtney (OSHC Coordinator).