Parents & Friends

Parents & Friends Committee

We are on the lookout for an interim secretary for our parents & friends group!

No experience necessary and there's not a lot of work involved.


For more information, reach out to our President Jo -


Activities for the long weekend!

Looking for some activities to keep the kids entertained.. Try out some of these ideas:

*Make your own playdough - try this easy recipe:

*Get our and about on one of the scenic cycling and walking trails - you can find a great list and map here

*Try an indoor scavenger hunt or a nature hunt in your backyard. You can find heaps of free printable scavenger hunts online!




P&F Reccos

Check out the new Illuminate exhibition at the Discovery Centre!

It's time for the Eaglehawk Dahlia & Arts Festival - March 14-16

Bendigo Art Gallery's new exhibition is almost here! Check out Frida Kahlo: In her own image from March 15



Recipe of the Week

Try this different take on nachos!