Hello, from PE

News from PE-  Ms. Laura Hicks.



Whole School Athletics Day

Our School Athletics Day is approaching fast. On Tuesday March 18th, all students will participate in our athletics day at the Flora Hill Athletics Track. Students will be able to dress up in their house colours to compete in a range of events. F-2 students will participate in fun athletic style games and activities. Our 3-6 students will compete in the more traditional athletic events on the day.


As always we need lots of help to run the event. If there are any parents able to help on the day, please get in touch: laura.hicks@education.vic.gov.au. The day just can't run without lots of support.


Parents/carers are welcome to come and support their children but please note that all students will need to sit in the grandstand area on the day when not competing.



Please remember, all permission notes and information for any PE events will be on Sentral. Please make sure you are checking regularly so your child has permission to attend events.





PE - Dates to remember


Term 1

Whole School Athletics Day - Tuesday March 18th


Term 2

District Athletics Day - Thursday April 24th (selected students)

Division Cross Country - Friday May 16th (selected students)