Hello from our students and teachers

Respect, Responsibility and Kindness

Hello from Grade 5/6 Jackson

5/6J Classroom Update

Here's a look into the work the students of Room 1 have been doing so far this term:


In reading, we have explored the use of figurative language, including metaphors, similes and personification, and analysed how we can use these tools to create vivid imagery in our own work. We have also focused on persuasive devices, such as rhetorical questions, facts and statistics, expert opinions, and more. We have applied these devices in reading, writing, and also debates in class. 


In writing, we have spent some time working on our narrative structure, producing stories that involve a complication, events, and a satisfying conclusion. Recently we have been investigating what makes a good persuasive text, including all of those persuasive devices mentioned above. Students have produced their own persuasive work in the form of writing pieces, advertisements, and debates. 


In mathematics, grade 5/6J have been working on our understanding of place value, especially for decimals up to the thousandths. We have also investigated the link between decimals, fractions and percentages through the lense of measurements of capacity (L, mL) and length (mm, cm, m). 

Inquiry - Geography

5/6J have investigated many countries, religions, and wonders around the world so far this term. Students have created travel brochures, informational reports, and posters displaying their geographical knowledge. Two examples are found below:

Looking Ahead

It has been fantastic to see so many students in 5/6 Jackson take on leadership roles this year. Even those that may have missed out have shown maturity and responsibility throughout the classroom and greater school. All students are working hard to be leaders and have engaged enthusiastically in their learning, and we would like to thank everyone who supports the students of Room 1 to be their best!


- 5/6 Jackson