Respect, responsibility and kindness

Our school vision is to empower socially and emotionally competent learners who are motivated, confident and mindful of self and others. The School Wide Positive Behaviour Support program (SWPBS) is important in helping us achieve that vision. Since introducing the program we have reviewed our school values, our expected behaviours and have a flowchart that defines minor and major behaviours and how we manage those. We also have a behaviour matrix that very clearly links our values to our expected behaviours. (Again, a very big thank you to Tom Hederics for our beautiful matrices!)

This term, we are focussing on 'We are kind'. Our School Wide Positive Behaviour (SWPBS) matrix states that we expect our students to-

* use kind words,

* be an 'upstander', ('Stand up, speak up')

*keep hands and feet to ourselves,

*use an appropriate voice ('Calm words & voices')

*talk to a yard duty adult if needed.


Is it Bullying?

Our focus for the rest of this term is on developing our whole school understanding of bullying and how to be an 'upstander'.

All grades are learning how to identify bullying behaviour, and how it is different to other upsetting behaviours/problems.




Being an 'Upstander'.

We are also teaching our students the difference between a 'bystander' and an 'upstander'. We know that lots of you have also started to use the words 'bystander' and 'upstander' at home too, to reinforce the learning we are doing, thank you!

Our students are being taught the 'Stop' routine (see below) so we have a whole school strategy in use. You might also like to revisit this at home.