SVC Career Pathway Planning

Year 10 Work Experience 2025
Each year St Virgil’s College Year 10 students participate in work experience as part of their career pathway planning, giving them valuable industry insight, participate in real-world applications, and give them a chance to sample career options.
Student learning groups are allocated to the following work experience block placement dates in 2025:
Monday 23 June to Friday 27 June – Year 10A, 10B and 10C
Monday 30 June to Friday 4 July – Year 10D and 10E
However, if your son can find placement for both weeks (or alternative dates), then this will be considered and should be discussed in the first instance with our Careers and Pathways Planning Teacher, Mr James Dalton.
As many schools undertake work experience at the same time of year, there is often a shortage of quality work placements for our students. Therefore, we recommend you start the process early by looking for a suitable Host Employer.
To help foster opportunities for our students, would you, your family or associates be able to help with a placement for our students in any of the following categories?
Administration and Business Services
Leisure, Sport and Tourism
Media, Print and Publishing
Marketing and Advertising
Science, Mathematics and Statistics
Social Work and Counselling Services
Legal and Political Services
Manufacturing and Engineering
Music and Performing Arts
Building, Construction and Trades
Graphic Arts and Design
Education and Training
Environment and Conservation
Computer and IT Services
Transport and Logistics
Catering and Hospitality
Financial Services and Accounting
Legal Services
Retail Sales and Customer Services
If you can help our students gain valuable experience and offer placement, please send an email to to provide details of the opportunity, or if you would like to discuss further please contact our Careers and Pathways Planning Teacher, Mr James Dalton on 6249 6555.
Thank you for your support.