Vale Paul Sean Kelly

05.05.1992 - 23.02.2

John Kelly and son, Paul, discuss John Kelly's campaign to run for Lord Mayor of Hobart. Picture: Richard Marks.
John Kelly and son, Paul, discuss John Kelly's campaign to run for Lord Mayor of Hobart. Picture: Richard Marks.

Paul passed away peacefully on Sunday 23 February 2025 surrounded by his family.

The October 2022 edition of OVAtions carried the following story about Paul and his father John.

A Dynamic Duo

30-year old Paul Kelly attended St Virgil’s College from 2001-2008. In 2015 he developed Motor Neurone Disease and was given a life expectancy of three to five years, but he continues to defy the odds. He is no longer able to walk, talk or type. However, Paul uses technology that tracks his eye movement and hence he is able to ‘work ‘ his computer.


Paul is the son of John Kelly (svc 1969-77 and 2014 Heritage Roll Inductee). John is a current candidate for the Lord Mayoral position for the Hobart City Council. 


Paul, who has a degree in communications, has become John’s campaign manager. To quote John from the Sue Bailey 27 September Mercury article: - “Without any complaint and with total dedication and professionalism Paul has been my secret weapon in my Hobart City Council election campaign.  All of the social media formatting, posting is controlled by Paul and we meet twice daily to strategise and monitor the campaign. He is a one man campaign team.”


And in the same article Paul talks about his father’s mayoral bid.- “Dad has been born and bred for the role of Lord Mayor. He knows Hobart like the back of his hand and has been entrenched in the community his entire life. He knows how to get a job done. I am proud to get behind him. “     


When Paul was diagnosed with MND (the ‘beast’) in 2015 he was told he would only live for another two or three years – he lived for ten.


The Mercury carried a memorial piece acknowledging Paul’s inspirational journey with the banner ”It was a privilege to be his father” accompanied the following  this ‘speaks a thousand words’ photo of Paul with John.

To quote from that memorial article by the same Mercury journalist, Sue Bailey (27 February 2025)


Although unable to walk, talk or type Paul insisted his father John Kelly run for Lord Mayor and spearheaded a hugely successful campaign.

“Despite Paul being physically totally incapacitated he urged me to stand in the Hobart City Council elections and agreed to be my campaign manager,” John said.

“As a qualified journalist and utilising the latest in computer technology that reads from the retina, Paul was able to have me elected with the second highest vote count out of 44 candidates and a record for a new member.

“This was not only a proud moment for Paul and myself but more importantly it highlighted

how disabled people can make a huge contribution to politics, business and beyond.”

Paul was a serving member on the Tasmanian MND board and an active committee member on water watchdog Safe Water Hobart.

He recently released his book “Through My Eyes” – a compilation of his poetry about his struggles and triumphs with MND.

John says there is a large Hobart community that is deeply saddened at Paul’s passing and that he had shown “great courage, dignity and resilience and never raised a single complaint”.

“Paul leaves a huge hole in our hearts and an irreplaceable void.

“Wisdom, maturity and poise beyond his years; his smile, intelligence and talents will be sadly missed by the Hobart community.

“From cutting the cord at birth with his first breath to holding his hand with his last, it was a privilege to be his father.

“The truth is that we didn’t carry him – he carried us.”


Rest in peace, Paul.