Year 3/4

Year 3/4 Cluster News
Unit of Inquiry: We have commenced How We Express Ourselves, where students begin looking at different art forms. We are specifically seeking parents or people in our school community who are involved in The Arts. Do you have or know someone who has skills in painting, sculpture, music, literature, theatre that may be willing to share with our 3/4 students?
Home Inquiry What kind of art works do you have in your home? How do you and members of your family like to express creativity? You may like to take a photo of your favourite artwork at home. Be prepared to share why it is special, what it is made of and what message it is communicating?
Learning this week:
Word Study in Week 8:
Year 3’s will be focusing on the long vowel E sound
Year 4’s will be focusing on plurals ending in ‘ves’
Year 3 - E | Year 4 – ves |
reef greed neat reach eve beach teacher theme coffee teapot thirteen evening beanstalk underneath agreement seaweed compete daydream | scarves selves wives lives elves loaves hooves leaves knives wolves shelves halves calves thieves wharves dwarves ourselves themselves |
In Reader’s and Writer’s workshop we will be deep diving into written forms of arts – specially, poetry.
In Mathematics we will continue develop our understanding of Number, particularly place value.
Naplan Numeracy – Monday 17th March
From Tuesday 18th March until Thursday 20th March catch-up tests will be permitted.
Some early preparation includes downloading the NAP app and ensuring keyboards and headphones work. While keyboards are not compulsory, they are highly recommended for year 5 students as they complete the writing on the app whereas the year 3 students still handwrite the writing component.
Please find a link to understanding more about Naplan -
(There is also a simple version) -
If you would like to discuss Naplan please see myself, and/or your class teacher.
Kind Regards,
Tim Kriewaldt
Sports Day
We are still looking for volunteers to help our day run smoothly. Please let your classroom teacher know if you are available.
Year 3/4 Camp – Wirraway
Year 3/4 camp is fast approaching (Term 2, Week 2, May 7th – May 9th). We are looking for expressions of interest for parent volunteers. Please email these through to your child’s classroom teacher by no later than Friday 21st March (Week 8). Please also ensure all volunteer requirements are up to date. These can be found here:
Parent Volunteers will be chosen during Week 8 before the end of the term.
Parent/Teacher Interviews
Parent/Teacher interviews will take place Tuesday 1st and Wednesday 2nd April (Week 10). Stay tuned for updates in the coming weeks.
School Calendar:
May God bless your week,
Chelsie Riches, James Salisbury and Lauren Neumann
Chelsie Riches
James Salisbury
Lauren Neumann