Around the School

Assembly Roster - Term 1
Assemblies will take place each Monday, commencing at 2.30pm in the Worship Centre.
Classes presenting at assembly this term are:
Date | Week | Assembly sharing |
17/3 | 8 | 1/2AK, 3/4SN |
24/3 | 9 | Harmony Day Assembly - 9.00am |
31/3 | 10 | 5/6FZ |
7/4 | 11 | PE Specialist, Foundation, TK award |
Chapel will take place each Friday, commencing at 8.50am in the Worship Centre.
Leading Chapel this term are:
Date | Week | Leading Chapel |
14/3 | 7 | 1/2Z |
20/3 (Thursday) | 8 | Tim |
28/3 | 9 | Jayne - Harmony Day |
4/4 | 10 | Lauren |
11/4 | 11 | 1/2AK |
Harmony Day
Sports Day Sausage Sizzle
Oliphant Science Awards
Are you interested in experiments? Maybe you love designing posters that tell us about science? You might enjoy making games?
This is the competition for you!
The Oliphant science awards is a terrific opportunity for children to engage in a wide range of science activities and test out their skills. The website has a wide range of categories that children can enter in.
These awards are to encourage children to create, make, experiment and explore scientific areas independently with some adult support.
If your child is interested, please email their name to Ms. Neumann
April Vac Care
Please see attached the program and write up for April Vac Care.
Endeavour College Open Day
We are excited to open the doors and welcome you to our College.
Meet our Principal, Mr Richard Baird as he outlines just what it means to be part of our community. Tour our amazing facilities with state-of-the-art learning spaces, provided by our very own out-of-the-box-thinkers – our students.
When: Sunday, March 30
1:30pm - 4:00pm
Where: Endeavour College
Register here: Open Day Sunday 30 March - Endeavour College
Glow Week – Term 2, Week 9 (Monday 23rd – Friday 27th June)
Mark your Diaries!!!
After such a huge success last year, Glow Week is returning. This is a week where students can GLOW (Grow, Learn, Own, Wonder) in a variety of activities. Students are placed in a group and have time each day to learn a skill. This is an opportunity for children to dive deeper into a specific ‘passion’ they choose. Last year outdoor skills, hiking and cooking were popular choices as well as kindy visits and gardening.
This year we are once again looking for volunteers to run small groups (aiming for 4 – 6 per group). If you have a particular passion that you can offer for a week of learning with children, we would love to hear from you. You do not have to be an ‘expert’ but rather someone who enjoys doing that activity. Ideally, we would love to have you assist for the whole week, however, are aware that this may not be possible. The week will run with the 3-6 students working every morning on their ‘passion’ from 9 – 11, whilst the F-2s will have a different schedule for the week so they can engage with different activities.
If you cannot do the whole week, please let us know and we can arrange this.
Some suggestions of activities that you may run/have a passion in are;
- Cake decorating
- Woodwork
- Gardening
- Baking/cooking
- Knitting
- Sewing
- Hiking
- Fishing
- Painting
- Scrapbooking
- Drawing
- Box making
- Kindy visits
- Bike riding
The week culminates in a celebration afternoon on the Friday to showcase their learning from the week.
If you are interested in assisting with a group, please email Ms. Neumann with your details.
ALWS Walk my Way
This year is the 75th Year that Australian Lutheran World Service is running the ‘walk my way’ campaign. This is an opportunity to walk like children do in poorer countries to access food, water and schooling. All money goes towards supporting young people across the world to have a better life. We are fortunate enough this year to have an event held in Adelaide itself. There is a 3km route and a 10km route that you can register to complete as an individual or as part of a team.
Date: Saturday 3rd May
Place: Begins in North Adelaide at Australian Lutheran College
Time: Registrations open @ 8:30am (Walk departs @ 10am)
We have got a Golden Grove Community Team that we will walk together as. This is a great opportunity to come together as a church and school community. The team page is below:
Messy Church
Friday 28th March - 4.30 to 6.30pm
FREE EVENT - Dinner included!
Arise Youth