The Principal Team
The Circus came to town.
The Principal Team
The Circus came to town.
How wonderful to welcome the Circus Crew to Beaumaris Primary. Our Prep students had a lot of fun whilst also developing skills of perseverance and team building. It was an absolute delight to see the joy on their faces as they mastered a range of challenging and exciting circus acts.
We want to thank and congratulate our Year 5 Upstanders who continue to promote healthy and respectful relationships in our school. The Upstander program has allowed many Bayside schools to engage with learning and reflection on how to ensure students build and maintain positive peer friendships. We would like to think we are all Upstanders.
This week our Upstanders worked with artist Noni Drew to develop text based art exploring these themes. We look forward to seeing this work reproduced as footpath decals and installed throughout the Bayside shopping centres early next year. Thank you Megan Chudleigh for supporting our students in these endeavours.
Our final Working Bee for the year will be held on the morning of Sunday 12th November 9am - 11 am. This is a special edition of our Working Bees as it will focus on preparations for our upcoming fete. I know many of you are working hard on the stalls and events for the big day and we thank you for that. If you would like to contribute this Working Bee is the perfect opportunity to help us get our grounds ready with a big tidy up.
Unfortunately we have seen an increase in student and staff absences over the last week. This has been largely due to illness, including a number of reported Covid cases. We hope everyone stays safe and well, and ask you to be mindful of any of the following symptoms experienced by family members.
If you have any of these symptoms, however mild, you are strongly recommended to seek advice and get tested. COVID-19 symptoms include:
Some people may also experience headaches, muscle soreness, stuffy nose, nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. You may also seek advice from your doctor or by phoning the national 24/7 Coronavirus Hotline on 1800 020 080.
Late yesterday afternoon we gathered to honour Sarah Foster. Staff, Year 2 and 3 parents and students joined with Sarah's family as we reflected on a teacher we miss. Her Year 2 class presented Sarah's family with a book they created celebrating Sarah. We also presented four trees we have planted in her name and a beautiful mosaic developed by our Art students. Thank you everyone who attended and to those who contributed to this occasion.
We are working towards establishing staffing for 2024 and determining student numbers is essential. Our numbers at Beaumaris Primary remain strong, but if you are aware your child or children won't be with us next year, it would be very helpful if you could let our office admin team know as soon as possible. Thank you.
Russell Watson Bronwyn Fitzgerald
Acting Principal Acting Assistant Principal