Year Level Leaders Report

Year 9 Leader Report

We are almost at the end of the academic year. It is a busy time at South Oakleigh College. Teachers and students are hard at work finalising assessments, and CATs and preparing for semester exams. YR9 students will be in revision week next week with exams beginning on Friday.

Overall, YR9 students demonstrated:

  • improved attendance and punctuality 
  • significant academic progress for the general cohort
  • improved uniform checks
  • commendable behaviour and maturity
  • consistent acknowledgement of our school values


We held our term assembly on the first week back followed by a second assembly in week three to address and clarify the three-day City Experience of Melbourne. During our term assembly, students were congratulated for receiving more than 10 HRRRT points during semester two and presented with bronze, silver, and gold certificates.


Students who participated in ‘The Master Chef Competition’ were also awarded certificates. The assembly celebrated our student successes and provided notable opportunities for future inspiration and personal goals setting for 2024 YR10.


A highlight of Term 4 for the YR9 Cohort was the Melbourne City Experience. Students met at Federation Square every morning for roll call and briefing on the day’s activities. YR9 students were able to develop their independence to and from the City using public transport and making their way to various venues in their friendship groups. They also gained knowledge of the various historical sights of Melbourne and took part in the Great Race. The City Experience Project was thoroughly an engaging, educational, and highly immersive experience. It fostered a deeper appreciation of our city of Melbourne and its role in life and the global community.

Some of the sights visited over the three days included:

  1. Melbourne Cricket Ground-Australian Sports Museum
  2. Melbourne Aquarium
  3. National Gallery of Victoria
  4. State Library
  5. Melbourne Skydeck-Virtual Reality Pods
  6. The Escape Room

We wish our YR9s every success in their Exams and results for the year. YR10 will be a year of transition and selection of career pathways. Now is the time to start thinking and planning for future aspirations.

Always remember our SOC school values as they are for life.









Phyllis Dimakakos 

Year Level Leader: 9