From the Head of College
Mr Michael Newman
From the Head of College
Mr Michael Newman
You often hear the antidote in sport – “you have to lose one to win one.” I have been surrounded by many Broncos supporters of late who are holding on tightly to this adage. I imagine it means that players need to know how deeply disappointed they felt at losing to be more open than ever to improve and train harder. They become more resolute giving a wholehearted effort at every moment and in every game until they reach the success they desire. I imagine they must be more responsive to seek help and trust their coaching staff and advisers to improve that one percent to reach the pinnacle of their performance. They need to be vulnerable, open to support and assistance, resolute and intensely motivated.
Similarly, how do we get to a place of being open and vulnerable so that God is central to our life? Mary, gave us the ultimate example when she made this statement of surrender – “Be it done unto me according to thy word.” The Marist story of Marcellin Champagnat in southern France tells how he went to the depths of despair as he struggled with large debts, losing Brothers he admired and made mistakes including getting lost in the snow. Champagnat is said to be a person who dwelled upon matters, felt deeply about issues and couldn’t let things go easily – it was his purgatory. By becoming vulnerable like Mary his role model, St Marcellin Champagnat was more open to let God and others take his new order of Brothers and schools to the place where God wanted. His vulnerability and surrender to God were evident. It is known that his favorite psalm was, “If the Lord does not build the house, then in vain do its builders labour” (Psalm 127). This attribute of vulnerability, a surrender to one higher than himself required a spirit of humility and simplicity which the Marists have embraced as their mantra today.
God of the journey, may all the young men of Marist and all members of the Marist College family be open, vulnerable and surrender to your will, love, direction, teachings and compassion in our simple and humble lives. Amen.
Our best wishes and prayers are with the Year 12 boys who have commenced their examinations with the English and Film, Television and New Media exams yesterday and Economics exam this morning. The ATAR examinations continue each day until the 14th November. For details of the examination timetable, please login to the parent portal and click on the exam and assessment tile. My thanks are extended to all the boys’ professional and dedicated teachers who continue to be available to assist the boys and to Mrs Roxanne Rosenberg (Acting Deputy Head of Learning and Teaching), Ms Jessica Turschwell (Assistant Head of College, Learning and Teaching - Middle School) and Mr Adam Knight (Curriculum Leader - Senior Years) who are organising and facilitating these exams for the boys. Good luck, gentlemen.
Marist College Ashgrove is hosting all Marist schools from northern NSW, Queensland and the Northern Territory on Saturday night for the annual mass and dinner. We welcome to the college, Dr Frank Malloy (Executive Director Marist Schools Australia) and Mr Mark Elliot (Regional Director Marist Schools Australia) who will be leading this occasion which will incorporate the recognition of significant Marist contributors to each college. The weekend will also include a gathering of the future senior leaders from each of these schools who will be gathering to further develop their leadership skills and dream together a united and authentic set of ideals and outcomes for all Marist schools together. My thanks are extended to Sinead Fitzgerald, who will be part of the team leading the student leadership weekend and to our staff who will be organising this event, namely: Mr Michael Pitot (Marist College Youth Minister), Phill Holding (Pastoral Leader – Middle School) and Ms Anna Nasr (Assistant Head of College – Mission).
Well done to our Years 8 and 9 and Open Water Polo teams who finished the day undefeated champions in the AIC Gala Day held on Sunday at the college. They will now participate in the Queensland All-Schools championship on Monday and Tuesday next week. My thanks are extended to Mr Derek Lennon (Head of Sport) and coaches - Mr Ryan Apps, Ms Grace Ryan and Mr Will Valentine for their facilitation of these championships and support of the boys on Sunday.
The Marist College Christmas Concert (previously advertised as Carols on the Green) will be held on Thursday 26 October from 6:00pm. This concert has been moved to the Draney Theatre due to the threat of inclement weather. This celebratory concert will feature Marist musicians in a variety of combined ensembles and feature items. Come along to enjoy this prelude to the festive season. The concert will feature a number of soloists, special guests from Mt St Michael’s College as well as several combined ensembles that have been rehearsing over Term 4. Tickets can be reserved by clicking this link.
The final year level parent function to be held for 2023 is for Year 11 parents. This is always a lovely night to gather for celebration and congeniality. The night will include a light meal, drinks and a few short addresses in the Tower courtyard. I sincerely thank the very generous Parents and Friends Association who make these social events a reality. I particularly thank, Jane Wilcox and the Amity Group. Tickets can be purchased from this link. I look forward to meeting parents on Friday evening.
The Australian Orienteering Championships (AOC) was held in the beautiful Avon Valley region, east of Perth (WA) from September 30th to October 8th. The AOC involved students competing in seven events over nine days against the best orienteers in Australia and New Zealand. Participants used detailed maps to select routes and navigate through the course in the fastest time over the nine days of competition, requiring excellent map reading skills, together with concentration and the ability to make quick decisions under pressure whilst running at high speed.
Adrian Garbellini was in the Queensland Junior Boys squad which came first in the Australian Schools competition. The Queensland Schools team came second overall among the Australian States. In addition, Adrian achieved two separate top 10 individual results. Congratulations, Adrian!
May our loving God with Mary our good mother and St Marcellin Champagnat walk with all members of the Marist College Ashgrove Family.
Tuesday 24 October
Wednesday 25 October
Thursday 26 October
Friday 27 October
Saturday 28 October
Sunday 29 October
Monday 30 October
Tuesday 31 October
Wednesday 1 November
Thursday 2 November
Friday 3 November
Sunday 5 November