Grade 3/4WY Update

Mrs. Cathie Walsh
Mrs. Cathie Walsh

Here we are half way through the final term for the year! This one, as always, has been and will continue to be, a busy, but very enjoyable one. It is at this time of the year when we begin to see positive results from our hard work as the children complete our final units of work and annual assessment tasks.


This term we learnt a little history in our RE Unit as we took a close look at our Parish. We learnt that the Church – Our Lady Mother Of God, was originally where our school hall is until 1982 when the Church was built. Our school on the other hand, celebrates its 65th birthday this year as it was opened in 1958. Next week we begin our Christmas Unit, ‘A Message of Joy and Peace.’ 


In Inquiry this term our focus has been ‘Creativity.’ The children have been encouraged to use their creativity in their writing, in the presentation of their work and in a Stop Motion Animation that they are making based on the narrative they are writing. The children worked with their Galen buddies to create a set for their animation and production is now under way. We look forward to our ‘movie’ premieres in a few weeks.


We are currently working on refining our knowledge of times tables in Maths after just completing work on measurement. I was amazed when the children introduced me to measuring length with our iPads – we said goodbye to the old trundle wheels and measured, with accuracy, the length of our classroom and school grounds using technology. For the remainder of the term we will continue to work on multiplication and money – just in time for Christmas!


The weather was perfect the day we visited the Winton Wetlands. We contributed to the restoration project by planting trees around the education centre ponds. Highlights of our trip included a ‘Welcome to Country smoking ceremony’ and using the new digital microscopes to investigate waterbugs in our ecosystem.



We enjoyed a visit to the Wangaratta Performing Arts Centre to see the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra this term. Swimming was a great success and we enjoyed our visit to Galen where we planted some grape vines. The relationships that the children have developed with the Galen students is wonderful to see. We will meet up with them next week for the last time this year.


We look forward to the lead up to the end of the year.


Thanks for all your support so far this term.


Have a great week

