Grade 1/2NH Update

Mr. Josh Naish
Mr. Josh Naish
Mrs. Kate Hutchinson
Mrs. Kate Hutchinson

Josh Naish


Kate Hutchinson


It has been a busy time in our area of the school so far this term. We have already spent a day at Winton Wetlands, listened to the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra at the Performing Arts Centre, finished our swimming program as well as continued to be engaged in a range of learning in all areas of the curriculum. 


Within our Literacy program we continue to develop our understanding of sounds, with both our Sounds-Write group learning how two letter combinations and in some cases three letters can make different sounds. We have been using a range of picture story books to develop our understanding of vocabulary, how to infer, sequence the main ideas and understand the purpose of a text. With our writing we have been developing our understanding of constructing sentences by including adjectives and conjunctions, as well as using both capital letters and full stops correctly. We will then use these skills to create a short story relating to helping or being kind to someone else.



In Numeracy we have continued to develop our understanding about number and place value throughout the start of the term by learning how to skip-count as well as create and solve number patterns. Students are currently building greater understanding about fractions and division and how they relate and will finish the term exploring measurement and shape. 


Students are in the process of finishing off our first RE unit for the term which has allowed them to develop an understanding of not only their own gifts and talents but also the gifts and talents of others. Our last RE unit for the year will focus on the first Christmas where students will learn about the story of Jesus’ birth from Matthew’s gospel, as well as share different ways we celebrate Christmas. 


Our Inquiry unit this term, which is being led by Miss Alesiani, has students starting to understand how to create simple code using robots. Students have started to create mazes to build and will then attempt to code the robot so that they can move through the maze.     


Please remember that we are trying to be more active on our ClassDojo page, so please if you have not already joined, feel free to let us know and we can send you the link. Also if there is anything that you feel the need to discuss with either Kate or myself, please either email or contact the school.  Our email addresses are above.


Mrs. Celia Craven
Mrs. Jen Kittelty
Mrs. Celia Craven
Mrs. Jen Kittelty