Preparations for 2024 MPS Carnival

Come One, Come All to the MPS Carnival which is currently scheduled for August 2024. Before we lock it in our calendars we need your help!
The MPS Carnival is a superb way for our community to come together whilst fundraising for the school. It takes a lot of effort to make it happen so we are forming a Carnival Working Party.
About the Carnival Working Party:
- We are needing a minimum of 10 volunteers.
- Volunteers will be required to attend monthly meetings commencing in December (excluding holidays). Meetings will become more regular in the lead up to the event and work is required behind the scenes across a variety of aspects of the Carnival.
- We require one volunteer per year level who will work with Class Reps and be responsible for all logistics of all stalls run by that year level.
- We require an additional 3 volunteers (minimum) who will assist the Fundraising & Social Sub-Committee where needed.
- Currently we have 3 volunteers representing the following 2024 year levels:
- Prep
- Grade 1
- Grade 3
- This means we still need representatives from the following 2024 year levels in addition to another 3 volunteers (minimum):
- Grade 2 (currently Grade 1)
- Grade 4 (currently Grade 3)
- Grade 5 (currently Grade 4)
- Grade 6 (currently Grade 5)
If you would like to be a part of the Carnival Working Party please email Liz on emaplestone@gmail.comno later than Friday November 24 2023.
It is important to note, if we do not have the required number of volunteers by Friday November 24 as outlined above, we may not be able to proceed with the Carnival in 2024 and will look at alternative Fundraising & Social opportunities.
If you have any queries about the Carnival Working Party, please don't hesitate to reach out to the Fundraising & Sub-Committee - Liz Maplestone, David Funston and Elle Avery.
Many thanks
Chellee and the Fundraising & Social Sub-Committee