From the Principal

This year saw a new and improved process for managing student and parent requests related to class placements for 2024. Students and their parents were invited to review the google form and consider which peers work best together in the learning environment.
Teachers will now commence reviewing these requests and together with their knowledge of student relationships and the 2024 teaching staff, they will put together draft class lists which will then be reviewed by the Assistant Principal and myself. Parents and students will be informed of their 2024 class and teacher on the statewide transition day (Tuesday 12 December).
Each Class has one or two class parent representatives who play an important role in helping to create a sense of belonging and connection for the parents and carers of our school. Even though next year’s classes have not yet been formed, parents may like to consider the role of the parent representative.
Class Representatives help facilitate connections between families by:
- welcoming new families to the school (the office will let you know when a new student enrols in the class).
- encouraging parent participation in school and class activities.
- organising the occasional play date in the park for families or a parent night out.
- assisting the classroom teacher to organise extra helpers at times (e.g. excursions, reading with students, extra volunteers for the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden program).
- Carnival year – coordinate the class (or year level) carnival stall.
STUDENT ABSENCES- Missing out on the beginning of the year!
We understand that many families will be travelling overseas over the summer holidays, however it is imperative that students are back and ready to start school from the first day (Tuesday 30 January 2024).
The first few weeks of school are all about building relationships with new classmates and the teacher, and together establishing their desired learning environment. Students who are absent during this time miss the opportunity to build those connections.
If there is a possibility that your family will NOT be back in time for the start of school, please contact the office by email with your reason and attach a copy of your flight itinerary indicating your return date.
Sunsmart- No hat, no play!
Term 1 and 4 are essential hat wearing days, no matter what the U.V rating is. Students who are not wearing a hat will need to stay in specified shaded areas.
In addition to wearing hats, it’s also important to wear sunglasses and put on sunscreen. The recent advertising campaign related to cancer prevention shows the importance of creating healthy and long term habits to keep our bodies healthy. Wearing sunglasses, especially wrap around sunnies, prevents glare and sun damage to the eyes. It would be terrific to see more students wearing sunglasses?
Unfortunately, there is a wave of COVID and viral illnesses (eg. influenza and colds) spreading around the broader and the school communities. At school, teachers are being reminded to open windows and turn on air purifiers to maximise ventilation. In addition to this, students are reminded of hand hygiene practices, especially before and after eating. If your child is recovering from coughs and colds, or is beginning to become a bit sniffly, we strongly advise mask wearing which clearly prevents germs from spreading.
Rapid antigen tests – if your child has cold or flu like symptoms, we also advise taking a rapid antigen test to be sure you aren’t sending your child to school with covid. Please collect a box of tests from the office if you have run out. If your child tests positive, it is still recommended that the child stays home until they no longer have symptoms (or five days following a positive covid test result.)
Make time to be balanced: work, rest and play for a healthy outlook.
Chellee Plumb