Eclipse House News

Term Four is flying by and as always it has been a busy and event filled few weeks in Eclipse house. Over the last few weeks, we have said goodbye for now to our Year Twelve boarders and their families. I would like to share with you a departing message shared at our Year Twelve Valedictory dinner in Week Two. 


I would firstly like to begin by expressing my gratitude to a number of people.  Thank you to Mark Sawle, Emma Franklin, and Ashley Keatch, for the opportunity to stand here tonight and throughout the year in what is a truly rewarding role and remarkable place to live. 


To the Year Twelve families and parents of Eclipse. Thank you for providing a great deal of trust and support to myself and my team of supervisors. With your guidance and backing we have been able to support your child through an important time in their lives. To the Year Twelves, make sure in the coming days you express your gratitude and love to the ones who have given you this experience. It is truly memorable, and you will look back on this time fondly.


Thank you to all supervisors and particularly my team in Eclipse. Carter Wight, Samuel Forward, Peta Spinks, Sally Mellows, Josh Carson, Matthew Ferreria, Mikaela Burton, and Michael Ferreria. Their passion to truly get to know each member of the house is evident. They celebrate them on their strengths and support them in their routines and future endeavours. 


Two years ago, when Mark approached me to take on this role, I was excited to get to know these Year Ten boys, and I say boys because they were a lot shorter back then. I was keen to learn from them, understand what their passions were, and where they were heading on their journey. It was a lively house, full of energy and all unique in their own way. At the beginning of Year Eleven the house completed a character strength survey. They answered 100 questions across many fields. With a unique algorithm it highlighted their own individual strengths. Research shows that understanding our own strengths and applying them to our daily life can, boost confidence, increase happiness, strengthen relationships, manage problems, reduce stress, accomplish goals and build meaning and purpose.


All these young boys displayed a vast array of strengths and were interestingly accurate to each of them. Place them all together and as a cohort there were six strengths highlighted.


Love, Gratitude, Creativity, Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence, Humour & Teamwork. 

Over the last three years it has been incredible to witness these strengths daily in Eclipse with these boys. 


Fast forward to today I’ve felt like I’ve shrunk, and these now young men continue to develop their strengths and find new ones. There would be thousands of stories and examples of their strengths over the years, I feel privileged to have shared these memories with you and I hope that you are each proud and recognising of your own strengths too.


So individually I’d like to share what strengths I see and have seen in each of these young men! 


Daniel Fisher 

Daniel loves his mates. He is a loyal and compassionate friend. It is not uncommon to find Daniel engaged in conversation over various topics.  Within his connections in house there is also a strong sense of humour and playfulness. It’s not often Daniel will whisper… but that’s okay. He has a strong voice for discussion and debate whilst also listening. Daniel also has a strong sense of Social Justice and Judgement; in other words he thinks things through and is more than happy to change his mind in light of evidence and discussion. Enjoy the next chapter, Daniel!


Darcy Barrett 

Darcy is a kind and compassionate young man who always looks out for others. He has developed close friendships over many years and continues to invest his time in them. Darcy has been a role model to the younger boys in Eclipse and is humble by nature. He loves playing golf with his nan on weekends and spending time with his mates. His greatest strength is his empathy. He enjoys listening to others, understanding them, and celebrating people’s successes. This is what makes him a great leader. I’ll see you in Bremer Bay, I’m sure! Good luck on your next adventure. 


Pierce Newman

Pierce’s greatest strengths are his Honesty and Integrity. In other words he speaks the truth but more broadly presents himself in a genuine way and acts sincere. He takes full responsibility for his feelings and actions. He is motivated to achieve balance in each day. I believe he was the catalyst for a slight gym membership increase in town throughout the house. Flight simulator sessions, prep sessions and very healthy discussions - I’m very curious to see where your flights and strengths take you. It will be one hell of a journey Pierce, all the best!


Hamish Medway 

Hamish greatest strength is his zest. He is enthusiastic, competitive and enjoys spending time with his mates. He matches his competitiveness with fairness. I have always enjoyed engaging in discussions with Hamish as I have learnt a lot from him also. He loves his Hilux and but more importantly takes pride in it. Hamish always expresses gratitude to those around him and he has been a great house leader this year. Thank you, Hamish, for what you have brought to Eclipse, Goodluck!


Mitchell Hawley

Mitchell’s greatest strengths are his humour and social intelligence. Often the Kingpin of conversation in the common areas - although Daniel might have something to say about that, I’m sure! He is a fair individual with a strong moral compass and enjoys spending time with his mates. Good luck Mitch on pursuing a career in the police force and all that holds for you in between, I’ll make sure I keep to the speed limit down here. All the Best!


Berkley Somerscales

Berkley’s greatest strength is his Creativity. Whether it’s his beloved Ford Falcon/Fairlane, almost half and half now, his resin shell art or general day to day routine. He is always making things interesting. What also comes with his creativity is his independence and motivation to achieve his personal goals. This is a very powerful combination Berkley; I wish you all the best!


Jack Carlson 

Jack's greatest strength is his Humility. He is a composed and calm individual who does not seek recognition for his many successes. Jack will always have some sort of sports equipment in his hand, juggling, bouncing, hitting and kicking, I think he has a secret stash of hockey balls in his room somewhere. Amongst all his sporting pursuits, Jack loves his mates has been a valuable team member in Eclipse. Keep being you and good luck on the next pathway! 


Fletcher Cugley

Fletcher has been I pleasure to get know. He has an inquisitive mind and enjoys sharing conversations on all sorts of topics from travel, university to surfing. He is always the first one to take up the opportunity of a beach trip or adventure.  His greatest strength is his love of learning. His dedication to his academics is remarkable and I have no doubt that his next pathway will be built on his own hard work and motivation, All the best Fletcher! 


Trenton Hams 

I have learnt a lot from you Trenton, your ability to stay composed and measured over three years in Eclipse is a great feat. You are a quiet achiever and great friend to many in house. Your greatest strength is your kindness towards everyone you meet. Greeting friends and visitors with a smile and engaging with all year groups. You are a role model to younger boarders. Good luck on the next adventure! 


Brendan Quick

Brendan’s greatest strengths are his perspective and love of learning. He is wise beyond his years, and I often learn many new things from him across the terms. He loves to share his knowledge and experiences with others. Brendan is highly motivated to achieve his goals and loves learning new things. This combination makes for the beginning of a great leader and team member. Well done, Brendan. All the best up in Perth as you follow your engineering passions. 


So where to now!


In the next few years, you will meet new people, maybe travel the world, start a new job, attend university or apprenticeship, forge a partnership with someone, let go of a partnership, move state or country. Celebrate success, mourn challenging times. I encourage you to lean into your strengths and celebrate those around you as they will support you through these times. 


I couldn’t agree more with Teliah’s message to Year 12’s on failure, I have failed many times and learnt more from these than any successes. In addition, I’d like to leave something with you that has helped me. 


Stay Curious. 


Ask questions, challenge the status quo and seek growth based on curiosity.

When you leave boarding for the last time, always know you a welcome to come back and say g’day. I wish all Year Twelve’s the best for their future endeavours. 


Happy birthday to Kevin Sibosado, Michael Watson and Koby Hams who all turned 17 recently. 

As always, please get in touch if you have any concerns or queries. 


Mr Taylor Colton | Head of Eclipse House