Principal's News

Hello families,
Welcome back to our final Term of 2023.
What a year it has been and what exciting times are ahead of us. With the end of year comes so unfortunately good byes as some of our students and families leave but also our parish priest Fr. Thaddeus. Father will be moving to Glen Innes this month and will be greatly missed. I welcome our new parish priest Fr Deleep Antony and look forward to engaging with him our St Patrick's Parish.
The paperwork has been sent out for our year 4 - 6 camp at Lake Keepit. Our students have been discussing with me the possible activities we will engage with and I look forward to sharing some fun moments with them. Please remember to read the due dates carefully as we need certain information back by a particular time. If you have any questions please ring the school office.
I also wanted to touch on some of the amazing work our staff have been engaging with at school so far this year. With a busy year comes staff absences either by sickness or in our case staff Professional Development. Most terms our staff will travel to engage with PD covering various topics. Where we see the rewards from this is in their teaching practice, viewing staff and students in the classroom and ultimately in our students results.
At the end of term 3 we have had 1/3 of our students progress 1 reading level, over 1/3 progress 2 reading levels and multiple students improve 3+ reading levels. This is such a great achievement in knowing that all of our staff's hard work and study around how we can best engage our students to improve their reading ability does pay off through our individual students success. Well done all Staff and Students we look forward to continue the great collaborative work we have in our community.
Mathew Mills