From The Principal

Ms Noelene Hussey

Dear Families,


It is wonderful to be back at school and seeing our children engaged in their learning, playing happily with their friends and staff who continue to ensure they are meeting the needs of the children in their care. Our completed Junior Toilets are bright, clean and fresh, our new landscaped entrance opens up our school and I look forward to the completion of our Senior Toilets. 


It was a privilege to visit the Holy Land with fellow principals and to walk in the footsteps of Jesus. The pilgrimage was spiritually uplifting as well as giving me a deeper insight into


 the lives that Jesus, His friends and disciples lived. During the pilgrimage we explored many religious and historical sites, exposing me to Catholic, Jewish and Muslim faiths. It was humbling to visit where Jesus was born and died, where he performed miracles and delivered His many teachings.


Another significant part of our pilgrimage was to listen to the

 stories of the people we met. These included teachers and students from a high school and university students in Bethlehem, shopkeepers in the markets in Jerusalem and our tour guide who is a Christian living in the West Bank.


The experience has left a significant impression on me. I have a greater appreciation and knowledge to impart to our children and staff as well further developing my own faith.

After the pilgrimage I travelled to Portugal and Spain where I heard the news of the conflict taking place. I pray for peace in this hallowed land, and hope that Jesus’ message of love and peace will eventuate. Please keep the innocent Palestinians, Christians, Jews and Muslims who live in this area in your prayers and thoughts.


I would like to thank our leadership team and all staff for their hard work during my absence. A special thanks to Stephen for his leadership over the past weeks. 


Our Year 4 children had an amazing time at camp - getting dirty and wet but never complaining. The children enjoyed the flying fox, canoeing, orienteering and getting lost in the maze.  Camps take a lot to organise and then look after the children, many having their first experience away from home.  Thanks to Bern, Justin, Elizabeth, Jo, Abbey, Kristie, Sue, Bianca C, Bianca Y and Nikki for your care for our children and the time planning the activities.


Yesterday our Church celebrated All Saints Day and today we celebrate All Souls Day. 

All Saints day is a day we celebrate all the saints of the Church. Saints are holy people who have led a life following God. Our great example in Australia is Mary MacKillop 

Today, being All Souls Day we pray for those loved ones who have died. It is a day of remembrance where we celebrate, honour and pray for them as they rest peacefully with God.  


Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and all the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. 


Grandparents Day

Tomorrow we celebrate Grandparents Day. This event is a highlight in our school calendar as we love to see our children showing their work and classrooms to their grandparents or a significant person in their lives. We appreciate the “Love, Growth and Wisdom" our grandparents impart to our children. Just like St Anne nurtured Jesus, our grandparents play a vital role, nurturing our children!




Art Show                                                                                                                                                    

A reminder not to miss our Art Show. I am sure you will be impressed by the amazing creativity of our children. Trish Quinn and Sarah Cornall have done an amazing job encouraging and guiding our children to produce high quality work during their art lessons.  


I am sure you will agree with me that the art that was on display for our Art Show was amazing. Thanks for coming in and seeing the work our children produce with Trish Quinn and Sarah Cornall. We have talented artists at St Anne’s and the work our children produce is a testament to both Trish and Sarah's passion and dedication. 


Building Update

The refurbishment of the senior toilets is now entering the tiling phase.  It remains on track to be finished at the beginning of December.


School Fees 2024

After working with our Accountant and Business managers our 2024 fees are as follows.

School Fees per Family - $2420

Individual Levy - $400 (This includes stationery and excursion)

PTFA $90

These fees have risen and are in line with the educational CPI. Our fees assist us to continue to upgrade our facilities. These include ensuring our educational resources such as library books, maths equipment and technology are suitable but also capital works such as toilet upgrades and new adventure playground equipment.  



Positive Behaviour for Learning - PBL

Our focus for the term is focussing on behaviours that we expect to see if we are following our values. Our main focus is being resilient 

If I am being resilient I bounce back when things don’t go my way and if I am being safe I ensure that my actions do not hurt myself or others. 


At home you can support us by talking to your children about living out our values. You may want to have the same values at home as we do at school to support our children to meet our expectations. 









May God bless you and take care







Ms Noelene Hussey


As part of our St Anne's Child Safe procedures, can you please share the following points with any grandparents attending on Friday morning.

Adults are to use the staff/adult toilets located inside past the canteen, NOT the new student toilets in the junior building (please make sure other family members such as grandparents are aware of this). If you are unsure of where the adult toilets are located, please ask a staff member.

Be mindful of hot drinks such as coffee around students.

A reminder that photos taken by grandparents must not be displayed on social networking sites without permission.

Students are not to leave the school grounds with grandparents.