Year 5/6 News

Year 5/6 Summit Camp
On the 8th of November, the Year 5/6s went to The Summit Camp for 3 days. There were 6 really fun activities such as laser skirmish, high-wire, inflatable city, bush challenge, flying fox and the mud run.
On the first night, the camp provided us dinner; it was a schnitzel with vegetables and boiled potatoes. After dinner, the level had a bit of time in the cabins before we all went to the main lodge to do some trivia.
On day 2, we did a mud run! During the mud run, the groups had to do a variety of messy challenges. They would start by trying to overflow a bucket with a bunch of holes in it. Everyone got very wet and muddy! For dinner that night we had pasta.
The next day was our last. We had pancakes for breakfast and we did our last activity and then we packed our stuff and went on the bus back to school.
by Annie and Charlotte