Year 3/4 News

Year 3/4 Persuasive Writing
This week, the Year 3/4 students arrived at school, shocked to find that their chairs had quit! Our very upset chairs left us a letter of resignation, explaining that they were not feeling very appreciated. The students decided they needed to write convincing letters back to their chairs, in hope they would return once again!
Dear My Chair,
Please come back. I’m sorry for doing all those mean things I’ve done to you in your life. I’ll never do it again, chair, I promise. Please can you come back to me because without you, I’ll have to spend my work time leaning on my knees, which it hurts, by the way.
Anyway, I’m feeling sad and lonely because if you don’t come back, I’ll have nothing to sit on. So can you please come here again and see me.
See you soon.
From Harlan, your best kid friend forever xx
P.S. You need more blue tack for your nametag.
Dear lovely chairs,
I'm so sorry for forgetting to tuck you in. I know how painful it is for you to be tripped over.
Secondly, we need you to sit down on. I would explode if I had to stand all the time. It also hurts my knees to kneel, so I NEED chair to sit comfortably.
Thirdly, I would never swing on you. I could never do anything so vile to you like swinging on you. It must be so scary for you to be swung on.
This is why I really need you back.
Your very upset owner,
Dear Chairs,
My knees hurt more than anything. Please come back, we won't kick, we will definitely stop tripping over you. And I definitely don't eat baked beans EEAAGH! We will take good care of you chairs. Please, please, please come back. We will be more careful.
Come back!!!
Love your friend Jackson