Parents & Friends Association News

The canteen will be open every Thursday lunchtime in Term 4 selling icy poles and other cool treats from 50 cents. Please note, due to the Special Lunch on this Thursday 16th November, icypoles will be on sale on Friday this week.
Christmas Raffle
The PFA will again be running the extremely popular annual Christmas raffle in December. More details to come this space!
2024 PFA Events
The PFA has commenced preparations for next year’s events. Please get in touch with your suggestions for any events or fundraising activities we can hold - we welcome your ideas. All suggestions to or reach out to one of our members.
Next Meeting
Our next meeting is on Wednesday 29th November at 7.30pm, face-to-face; new members welcome anytime. If you would like to attend, or if you would like to help out with the upcoming activities, please email Kristy at
Money raised by the PFA in 2023 will be used to fund the purchase and installation of additional new playground equipment adjacent to the Michael Street entrance, new library furniture and establishing a new outdoor learning space.
Thank you for your support!