School News

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School Handbook


PB4L (Positive Behaviour for Learning)


Ask your child about the weekly focus for students.


This week's focus:


Let’s get ready for learning!


Happy Birthday

We wish all our students a very happy birthday who celebrated their special day over the holiday period and the last week.


9 November - Tom A Kinder

10 November - Billie P Kinder

11 November - Noah P Year 3 and Cruz F Year 2

12 November - Summer H Year 5 and Josie W Year 1

13 November - Harry S Year 5

14 November - Harrison M Kinder

15 November - Levi C Year 2 

16 November - Hugo S Year 4



2023 Yearbook- Have you got your order in?


Lunch time Robotics - Mini Solar Vehicle Challenge

On Friday 5 November Toby, Harry, Hugo, Eli, Ashton, Max and Liam entered the Mini (22x17cm) Solar Vehicle Competition run by SSSS: Statistics, Sustainability, Systems thinking and STEM.


The students were given all the equipment in little kits provided by SSSS. They then made their own vehicles and raced them on a track to see which vehicle could produce the fastest time. They had to test and retest their vehicles on different surfaces to find the best surface for the race track and make adjustments to their vehicle to make sure it was going to run at its best. The boys used many of the Habits of Mind to be successful, including persistence, thinking flexibly, metacognition, finding humour and striving for accuracy.


It was touch and go on the day of the competition as the weather wasn't on our side, being very overcast but the students persisted and were able to get some good times to enter the competition.

Poem Forest Competition 2023

On Tuesday 14 November 2023, Celie S from Year 5, was invited to attend the Winners Announcement Ceremony after being shortlisted in the Wollongong Community Greening Local Prize category of the POEM FOREST Prize! 


Celie's poem was selected from over 6,400 entries from students across Australia!


Celie received a certificate and native plant that she is donating to St Joseph's - thanks Celie and congratulations!


Here is Celie's winning poem 'Healing Heart':


Crackle! The crisp crunch of mulga leaves echoes through my tarnished soul,

As dingoes dance in the daylight of the forest floor,

The sun spreading its spicy rays like a warm hug over the lonely mountain’s shoulders,

Its eyes peering deep into my hardened heart.

Longing for the path of light and discovery to diminish a mother’s pain,

The forest is an eagle soaring into a sky of endless hope,

Bearing gracious gifts to nourish her silent suffering,

Spirits flooding thoughts and guiding the delicate journey to everlasting bliss.

Finger lime pearls burst effervescent tang along the parched plain,

As clusters of cream, feathery flowers display the lemon myrtle’s sheer delight, 

Bush banana nectar inundates the senses of sorrow,

While piercing shrills of mulga apples cascading along ledges create aspirations for renewed life. 

Prominent veins of pencil yams inject mother’s known earthly desire,

Milky sap of the conkerberry extinguishing doubt of eternal pain,

Pungent aromas of tamarillo and caramel envelope the desert raisin’s home, 

As sandpaper fig’s weeping profile casts an elegant shadow of hope forever more. 

Flames of fury silently sleeping as sizzling sunset fades to the abyss,

"Bada-la-libiyla" resonates through the valley of fear,

Cherish the gathering of nourishment to embark on a new future, 

Connecting through nature, healing the heavy heart of a mother’s eternal love.


You can find full   POEM FOREST Shortlist here.  All students who submitted a poem are now published online and can read their poem on the Poem Forest website.

Book Club Issue 8 2023

Student have now received Book Club Issue 8, 2023.  Issue 8 will close Thursday 30 November 2023.


Books will be delivered to students in the week commencing 11 December 2023.


School Fees Due by 1 December 2023

Thank you to those families who have finalised their school fees.  If you are paying via instalments, please ensure these are up to date and will have a zero balance by 1 December 2023.  


Should you be experiencing any difficulties in finalising your  school fees, please contact the school office to arrange a meeting with the Principal.

2023 Grade Spelling Bee Competition

A spelling bee is a contest in which participants are asked to spell words in a round-robin format where each person gets a turn to spell a word.


The School Junior/Senior Spelling Bee Competition will be held this Friday 24 November (Week 7). The Junior School Spelling Bee (K-Yr2) will take place at 9:30 am. The Senior School Spelling Bee (Yr3-Yr6) will take place at 11:20 am. An unseen word list will be used for the Junior/Senior School Spelling Bee Competition. 


Say it, spell it, say it! 

In the Grade Spelling Bee competition the teacher will pronounce the word and use it in a sentence. The competitor (participant) will then say the word, spell the word, and say the word again. For example, “Snowflakes… S-N-O-W-F-L-A-K-E-S….. Snowflakes.” A scribe will write the letters/word as the competitor says them. 



A participant is eliminated from the grade oral spelling bee competition as soon as they incorrectly spell a word.

Once the word is said at the end of a participant’s attempt, they cannot go back and self-correct.

Upper case letters are required  as in Wollongong – Capital W-o-l-l (double –l-)

If a competitor spells a word incorrectly but “self-corrects” within 15 (junior) or 20 seconds (senior) or self corrects before saying the word the second time that participant remains in the game.

The timing begins once the participant has said the first letter of the word he/she is attempting. If a word is not spelled out within the 20 seconds (Senior) and 15 seconds (Juniors), that competitor no longer remains in the competition.

It is required that a competitor says the word at the end to show they are finished spelling. For example: “fuel   f-u-e-l   fuel”

If a competitor spells a word correctly, he or she remains in the competition, waiting for his or her next turn. If the competitor spells a word incorrectly, he or she is eliminated from the competition and the next participant is given a new word from the list.

The teacher’s decision is final.


                        2023 Finalists for School Spelling Bee Competition 


Class Finalists


Class Finalists

Yr 1J

Class Finalists

Yr 1M

Class Finalists

Yr 2J

Class Finalists

Yr 2M

Class Finalists

Yr 3J

Class Finalists

Yr 3M

Class Finalists

Yr 4J

Class Finalists

Yr 4M

Class Finalists

Yr 5J

Class Finalists

Yr 5M

Class Finalists

Yr 6J

Class Finalists

Yr 6M

Class Finalists

Gia SEloise RAbigail CAlexandra NGeorgia HElla GLouie BZoe ChWill GGabriel ASophie MAlice ZLiam KRachel C
Elliot SRivers ODaisy WChelsea LMorris MDaisy LEloise BAshby SAlana QHElizabeth KMikayla KNed SClaire RDaniel N
Miley J

Zoe B


Aria SZane MZachary SLucy MEdwin ZLuca NAstin KThomas SNoah H Celie SHudson MIsaac W

SPLICED- Stretching Potential through Learning in Interactive Challenging Environments in the Diocese of Wollongong

The SPLICED unit is an opportunity provided to students to develop creative, critical and reflective thinking skills through a project of inquiry.


This year 18 students from Years 4-6 participated in the SPLICED project of inquiry.


Congratulations to the following students who will be acknowledged in this year's SPLICED Launch:

Leo BThe Date to Remember for our Country Australia
Rachel CJourney Through Marchen: Behind the Scenes of Writing a Play - Planning, Drafting, Writing and Editing
Abigail COn the Other Side of Peace: A Young Girl Whose Family is Ripped Apart 
Katrina GNature Baths: Overcoming Challenges Submerging Yourself in Nature.
Harry MThe Nightmare of Lachlan Macquarie: A Convict Goes Rogue
Sophie MThe Mystery of Pompeii: A Survivor, VicAm, and Seeker’s View
Ned SVisiAng Valiant Voyager: A Journey from Conception to Exploration and Beyond
Celie SBig Boots and Big Shoots: The Relationship Between the Politics of The Cold War and Man Landing on The Moon
Imogen TDinosaur Realm: Looking at Prehistoric Life Through a View from Afar
Isaac WState of Mind: Making a Difference You Can See from Afar
Finn PEvent Horizon: The Journey Beyond Breaking Point

2023 SPLICED Book and Website Launch will become live at 7:00pm, Tuesday 5 December.  Please click on the link below


Formation of Classes for 2024

The process for forming classes for 2024 will soon begin. Teachers have a very good understanding of their students, their learning, and their social and academic needs and strengths. They spend a great deal of time considering the placement of each student with grade partners.


Included with this newsletter is St Joseph’s formation of classes policy. Please take time to read the policy as it will provide you with an understanding of the process.


At times, there may be extenuating circumstances where parents may make a request regarding class placement. 


It is not appropriate to make a request for your child to be with their friends or your preferred teacher. Teachers will ensure your child is placed with a friend.  


All requests regarding a child’s placement should be in writing and addressed to the Principal by tomorrow Friday 17 November.


Whilst parental requests are considered, there is never a guarantee that they will be granted. Please be aware that there may be circumstances surrounding requests that prevent them from being granted.


Library News

Term 4 Library Days

  • Our Book Fair was a huge success, although we are still waiting on the arrival of some of the click and collect back orders. Mrs Pirie will give these books to their owners the day they arrive.
  • Premier’s Reading Challenge certificates will be handed out next Monday morning to all the students who completed the challenge. Today a number of the students who completed the challenge engaged in a Lego Book Scene Recreation activity this afternoon. All the students who were unavailable to participate this afternoon will have the opportunity next week. Have a look at their amazing creations!
  • Don’t forget to return any library books you may still have at home. Library books can be returned any day of the week to the returns chute in the library.
  • We have a large collection of books still requiring covering. If you are able to either pick up a bag from the office or join our Book Covering Working Bee Monday and Tuesday afternoons week 7 & 8 from 2pm, at the library, all your help is greatly appreciated.


Mrs Holly Pirie

Teacher Librarian

Sports News

Sports Uniform Days - Term 4

Students are required to wear sports uniform as outlined below.


Please be advised that students will be required to wear their sports uniform the following days.


Days required to wear sports uniform


Wednesday & Friday

Year 1

Monday & Wednesday

Year 2

Monday and Thursday 

Year 3

Tuesday & Thursday

Year 4

Wednesday & Friday 

Year 5

Monday & Wednesday

Year 6

Tuesday & Friday

CDF Diocesan Annual Sports Awards 2023

Congratulations to all the students who were recognised for their sporting achievements at the 2023 Annual CDF Sports Awards held at St Mary’s College last Friday evening. 


Natalia H, Sebastian B, Arlo B, Alex V, Lorelei G, Flynn W, Hayes G, Brodie N, Nash H, Hamish B, Minerva B, Andie K, Sadie J and Saul O. 


Special congratulations goes to London C who was awarded the ‘Diocesan Most Outstanding Primary Girl’ for her sporting achievements this year. This is a wonderful achievement for London who represented MacKillop in Cross Country and NSWPSSA in Netball and Swimming. Mrs Kylie Grose also received the ‘Teacher Service Award’ for her significant contributions to promoting sport in the Diocese.


London also received recognition for her achievements at the Inaugural NSWCPS Sports Awards on Monday evening. London was awarded ‘NSWCPS Most Outstanding Primary Girl’ at these awardsA very proud moment for London, her family and the school community. 

Diocesan Basketball Trials


Congratulations to the students who attended the Diocesan Basketball Trials on Tuesday 14 November. Special congratulations goes to Chase L and Owen O who were selected in the 2024 Diocesan Basketball Team and will compete in the MacKillop trials on Friday 23 February next year. 


We wish the boys the very best of luck!





Open Monday to Friday for recess and lunch.


Cash purchases for snacks and drinks can be made at recess and lunchtime. Snacks and drinks can also be ordered via the new platform FlexiSchools.


Lunch orders

Orders for lunch can only be made through Flexischools.  Please note that orders close at 9.15am daily.  Orders cannot be placed after this time.



Flexischool Parent Support Line - 1300 361 769 (Hours: 7.00am-12.00 noon)

Canteen Xmas Lunch Pack - WEDNESDAY 13 DECEMBER

Catholic Care

OOSH, Out of School Hours care at St Joseph's 


Mobile:  0437 713 067

Booking Information

Enrolment Form

CatholicCare Website


Service hours

Before School Care

7:00am – 8:30am

After School Care

2:45pm – 6:00pm


If you require the use of OOSH for your child/ren you need to be enrolled in the service prior to commencing. 


Casual bookings

If your child already uses the service and you requireacasual booking please do this viathe Xplor app. 


Before School Care: Bookings are to be made no later than 5:30 pm the night before

After School Care: Bookings are to be made no later than 9:00 am that morning


Casual booking must be made as per the times above to ensure enough staff. If notice is not provided within these time frames and the service does not have sufficient staff your child/ren will be sent to the office for collection. This is something that we all wish to avoid, so please keep in mind the time frames to help support the service.


If there is an emergency and care is needed please phone and leave a message and we will see what we can do.


If you do have any questions, need clarification, or have any feedback please feel free to contact the service mobile during operating hours on 0437 713 067 or Jacinta, Team Leader – 0407 759 720.

Strengthening Relationships


Community Notices

Lowes - 3 Day VIP Sale - 15-17 November