From the Assistant Principal 

Junior School

Kristie Satilmis











Getting ready for Headstart


November 20th: Happy new year! The first day of Headstart feels a bit like New Year’s Day, when Year 8-11 students begin their 2024 Headstart classes. The timetable rolls over on this date, and students will work with their 2024 class groups and teachers (as much as possible) on next year’s skills and content. They may also receive some homework to complete over the holidays, so that when school resumes in the new year we can all hit the ground running. Teachers met this week to finetune the program, ensuring students have the opportunity to demonstrate our Auburn Learner Qualities and get excited about what lies ahead. No textbooks are required for Headstart, but we do ask that students bring along a new set of exercise books.


Headstart is only a few short weeks away and students are being encouraged to finish their 2023 program on a high note. Now is a good time to set some goals for improving Learning Behaviours and academic achievement targets for the next few weeks in readiness for the increased expectations of their next year level. Students are very welcome to ask their teachers for some specific tips as to what adjustments they can make to reach these goals in time for Headstart.


France tour open to Years 9-11 students 2024


We are very excited to be offering a France study tour in the upcoming April holidays focused on history, art, culture and language. The trip will be open to students in Year 9-11 2024 and will run every 2nd year. There are 30 spots available and students will be selected based on exemplary learning behaviour reports, consistent demonstration of our DARE values and a brief written statement from the student outlining their interest. There is no language prerequisite; this trip is perfect for fluent French speakers and beginners alike. We have already received 34 registrations to attend the information session on November 1st, indicating a strong interest from our community which is great to see! If you’re yet to register, please do so here.


Melbourne City Football Club lunchtime sessions


This week, coaching staff from Melbourne City FC returned to AHS to kick off another series of lunchtime sessions. 30 students across Year 7-10 took up the opportunity to practice their skills both in drills and match play scenarios.


Some participants are experienced players looking to improve their game, whilst for others it was a chance to be active and try something new. Coaches commented on how well everyone interacted and supported each other throughout the session, demonstrating excellent sportspersonship.


We have 3 more sessions to look forward to this term including two extended sessions with students joining in from Auburn South Primary School. Thank you to Nick and Rok from Melbourne City FC for making this opportunity available to our students!

Showcasing the arts at AHS


Our annual art expo, Array, will return next month and our artists are busily working on their artworks in readiness for this 3-day event. This year, our Instrumental Music team are hosting our inaugural Summer Soiree to coincide with the closing night of the expo. We hope to see many of you there to enjoy this display of student skill and creativity, and to support the arts at Auburn!

Array (opening night) 14th November 5.30-7 pm,

Array viewing 15th November 3-4.30 pm,

Array viewing 16th November 3-5 pm, drinks and nibbles 4.15-5.15 pm, IM Summer Soiree 5.30-6.30 pm.


Buildings and Grounds update


The bathroom upgrade project encountered some delays this past fortnight, but we’re back on track and work has resumed. Builders made the cuttings for the new doorways today, which should hopefully be the last of the noisy works. The water bubblers inside the building were removed this week. They will be repositioned and operational again at the conclusion of the project. Until then, students are asked to bring a water bottle to school that can be refilled at the refill stations in the Canteen courtyard and Student Entry courtyard during recess and lunch times. We have hired a mobile hydration station with multiple taps for students to use throughout Term 4. This is located in the Student Entry courtyard.