
SIS Surabaya Primary School

The school conducted a series of program presentations during the month of October. For the benefit of parents unable to attend, here is a summary of the SIS Surabaya Primary School presentation..

SIS Group of Schools

SIS Surabaya is one of 10 schools in Indonesia and 4 schools in other Asian countries. In total, SIS Schools serve over 4500 current students and all of those schools are growing. 


We expect to open many more schools in the coming years. Our growth is linked to our vision to inspire students toward greater heights, which is evident in our lasting success in both getting students into a wide variety of top universities, seeing them go on to be successful in their chosen fields and also by demonstrating SIS values in their personal conduct.

The Primary School Day

Primary students start their school day at 07:30 and finish at either 14.15 or 14:45.

Inspired Learning

HOW we teach is as important as WHAT we teach!


We provide a Balanced Curriculum because we believe that deeper learning occurs through the purposeful integration of rigorous academic content with experience that intentionally cultivate skills, mindsets, and literacies essential for students to become lifelong learners and contributors in the 21st century. 

We believe that good education is not just about giving information to students and testing their recall. Education is about inspiring them to engage in the learning process, to want to learn, to be curious, to explore. We call this Active Learning. We expect every single lesson will include components in which students are actively doing something to engage in the learning process and not just being a passive recipient of information. 


We also believe that good education is about more than just academic subject content. The world is changing fast and we are obligated to also prepare all students with the softer skills that will enable them to succeed in the 21st century. 


In SIS, the student as a learner is our priority and we make decisions in the best interests of our students and work hard to treat them as individuals who are equally valuable but who have different strengths, weaknesses and passions. The end result of our mission is not just the individual success of each student (although that is important). The bigger result is that our students will use the skills they develop, the knowledge they gain, the values they imbibe and the friends they make, to contribute to a better world for all of us. 

As we implement our mission of delivering both our subject curricula and 21st century skills, we integrate four desired student learning outcomes across the whole school.

  • Perseverance
  • Analytical Thinking
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Entrepreneurship and Innovation

We implement the development of each of these learning outcomes in all of our subjects and school activities and track them for each student. These are not just nice ideals - these are skills that we will actually teach and monitor because we think they are that important and we celebrate our many students and Alumni that demonstrate these skills in school and, for some, on the national and international stage. 


There are numerous values that we all want our children to develop but as a group of schools we focus on five particular values which we actively include as part of our program from Preschool all the way to Junior College. These are also the values that we try to emulate as we interact with our staff, parents and students.

  • Fairness
  • Respect
  • Integrity
  • Compassion
  • Courage

Each student comes to our school, not only with unique academic needs, but also with unique background experiences, culture, language, personality, interests, and attitudes toward learning. Our teachers recognise that all of these factors affect how students learn in the classroom, and they adjust, or differentiate, their instruction to meet students' needs. To cater for different Chinese language proficiencies, for example, we aim to provide novice, intermediate, and advanced learner classes. 

Inspired Futures

Using our cutting-edge technology and expert knowledge, we analyse and update our school facilities to ensure they are conducive to effective learning. From classroom layouts to interactive learning spaces, we optimise every aspect of the physical environment to enhance engagement and productivity.

Our knowledgeable and skilled graduates have entered an impressive list of reputable universities locally and overseas. Having operated for more than 25 years, many SIS Alumni have started developing prominent careers all over the world.