Community Page

Community Conversation - shaping communication for BHS
To our local communities: Your voice matters, and we want to hear from you!
During our recent strategic planning consultation, you told us that you care about access to a range of services and support, both to assist you in being healthy and to care for you when you are unwell.
To ensure we work with you in ways that best meet your needs, we’d like to keep talking with you about your expectations of us, what you value about our services, and the most effective ways to communicate and connect with you.
We warmly invite you to share your insights by attending one of three upcoming community conversations OR by taking a moment to complete a brief online community conversation survey:
We’ll talk about your expectations, what you value about our services, and the most effective ways to connect with you.
1. Monday 27 November - 10.00 am - 12 noon (Morning tea provided)
Quercus Beechworth
2. Monday 27 November - 5.30 pm - 7.30 pm (Light supper provided)
Beechworth Senior Citizens Centre
3. Monday 4 December - 5.30 pm - 7.30 pm (Light supper provided)
Yackandandah Senior Citizens Centre
Gabriella TangeHealth Promotion & Community Engagement Officer
Quercus Christmas Market 2023
Opportunities for School & Community Groups
We are looking forward to hosting the 2023 Quercus Community Christmas Market and invite community members, local businesses, schools, and community groups to host a stall to celebrate with us.
Fundraising Opportunities
We welcome schools and community groups to host a stall at the Community Christmas Market as a fundraising activity. You may like to sell food or drinks, encourage your members to make gift items to sell, or host an activity. We have a commercial kitchen on-site as well as the Pizza Oven in the garden that groups can access upon request (a Food Handler certificate and Streat Trader Registration are required).
New Businesses & Children’s Stalls
The Community Christmas Market is a wonderful opportunity to test out a new idea or build your confidence in attending markets. The market is supportive and encouraging of new stall holders of all ages to come along. If you have a craft group, you might like to join together to create one stall. Schools can book a stall to support their students' ideas and creativity. Be creative and brave in your ideas, we’d love to hear them!
Promoting the Community Christmas Market
The Community Christmas Market is held as an opportunity for our local community to connect and celebrate. We would appreciate your assistance in promoting both stallholder opportunities and attendance at the event.
If you would like to discuss your idea or have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
If you’re ready to apply, please contact
Quercus Office Team 0403 865 095.
Kind Regards
Quercus Christmas Market Working Group Coordinator Linda Erskine (Volunteer) 0405 381 463
Quercus Office Team 0403 865 095
10 AM - 5 PM
Sunday is FROCK UP FAMILY Fair Day in the Police Paddocks. Join us on the main stage for the big finish as our cast of Drag Divas provides family-friendly entertainment, there’s something here for everyone. We will have delicious food stalls, face painting, plenty of fabulous games & competitions, live music, DJs, plus a gorgeous array of educational and health booths. We encourage all attendees to arrive fabulously frocked as there will be talent scouts roving for the best dressed. The final schedule for Sunday’s event will be released closer to the date. It’s free for those under 16 accompanied by an adult.