Discovery Centre


Selamat Siang,


We had such an amazing day on Tuesday, being completely immersed in Aboriginal culture thanks to the wonderful team at Wanyara Education! Shoutout to Brooke, Suri and Pete! Across the day, students participated in a range of activities including dance, painting and games, following traditional Indigenous techniques and styles. We told stories through dance inspired by Country, including animals as well as through visual art, using traditional symbols to depict ourselves and the important people around us. Your child will be able to teach you about the symbols in their artwork as well as the way we can dance as a range of animals. Playing traditional Indigenous games was a highlight for all students! We played ‘Weme’, a traditional game named from the Eastern Arrente language of Central Autralia meaning ‘throwing’ and ‘Wulijini’ named after the Tiwi language (Bathurst Island) word for ‘play’.



We are excited to continue learning and being inspired by a range of art forms and artists as we move onto our ‘planning’ phase of our ‘Think It, Make It, Create It’, unit of Guided Inquiry. 


Student Voice

Our Maths morning activities were planned by FH!

‘We should teach our special people the Mickey and Goofy maths problems’ - Hailey and Bridget

‘Get out of my house is fun’ - Maisie 

‘Our parents could ask us questions and we answer them’ - Daniel

‘The number line game’ - Gusti


  • Monday 30th October: Foundation Walking Excursion. Please ensure you have given permission via Sentral as soon as possible. 

Pupil of the Week

FB: Andrew S

For demonstrating creativity and love of learning during writing sessions this week. It was wonderful to read your recount about our Wanyara excursion and see your use of capital letters and full stops. 


FH: Liam D

For showing life long learning to write an interesting and detailed recount about our Wanyara Incursion. I'm proud of the way you sounded out new words in your sentences! Nice work Liam!


FK: Maisie P

For showing respect and engagement throughout our incursion with Wanyara. You participated with pride and integrity. You should be very proud.