Inquiry Centre


Another week of huge efforts from students in the Inquiry Centre with our Cold Write recounts of our trip to Disneyland! It's so great to see the students' writing skills continuing to develop and being applied to their work. 

We continued the Disneyland theme in Maths, where we have been designing our own theme parks with a big focus on shape and location. 

In Literacy and Guided Inquiry we have begun to look at story boarding in preparation for creating our own versions of fairytales over the coming weeks. 

A big congratulations to Ishaan Trivedi for winning the Public Speaking Competition! Ishaan will be heading to Rangeview Primary School to represent MPRPS.




Student Voice

  • Max D - "I was proud of my 3-page writing about Disneyland."
  • Ava H - "I am proud of my speech because it took so much effort."
  • Anisha - "I'm proud of improving my reading so much."


  • Students all need to be wearing hats throughout Term 4. Please ensure your child has a named hat with them at school.
  • Please check Sentral for details and permission for the Year 1 Late Stay and Year 2 Sleepovers.
  • Please pack extra snacks/lunch in your child's lunchbox to ensure they have enough food for the whole day.

Pupil of the Week

1/2H: Max C - For using creativity and care when designing your map of Disneyland. You were thoughtful in the sizing and placement of each attraction. Well done!


1/2J: Matilda G - For demonstrating perseverance and a love of learning to create a fantastic Cold Write. You should be so proud of your brilliant efforts!


1/2KD: Oscar M - For demonstrating teamwork and creativity when researching your animal for our information reports this week. Brilliant work Oscar.


1/2M: Aiden K - For showing amazing perseverance when writing! You have worked so hard to make sure your writing includes Wow words and punctuation.


1/2SM: Victor L - For displaying a love of learning when writing. Well done on editing, using correct punctuation and writing in paragraphs during our recent writing piece about Disneyland. Super effort Victor.