Independence Centre


'Camp Creativity' Guided Inquiry!  

We have made maps designing our own camp, inspired by our time at Portsea Camp. We could include our own activities like archery, horse riding and giant swings. We also need to include important building like a place to sleep, toilets and somewhere to eat. We collected data on what activities were popular to include in our camp. 


This week we also designed a menu for our camp and an itinerary outlining a typical day at our camp. This is part of our Information text investigation. 


We cannot wait to share all about our camps on Seesaw later this term. 


Have a great week!

Emma Honan, Katrina Chooi, Kathy Wang, Ros Walker, Emily Baker, Lauren Tillotson


Student Voice:

  • I feel happy with my camp because I got to add lots of things on it. - Matilda
  • I enjoyed the teacup challenge in Maths because it was challenging and I used lots of perseverance. - Ruby
  • I used lots of creativity to design my menu! - Stella


  • Curriculum Day on Monday 6th November
  • Please ensure your child/s has a named hat at school

Pupil of the Week

3/4C: Alvin K

For demonstrating maturity and teamwork by using your initiative to help in the classroom. You are also making positive decisions to help your concentration and allow you to put in your best effort into all activities. 


3/4H: Matilda F

For demonstrating a love of learning and creativity when designing your menu for your camp, by including a 'Stake Night' section and listing out the ingredients for your food items. 


3/4RB: Charlie G

For demonstrating perseverance and curiosity when completing 'The Teacup Challenge'. It was great to see you apply a range of problem-solving strategies.


3/4T: Aira N

For demonstrating a love of learning and creativity when designing and evaluating your camp map. It was great to see you including detail in your directions from one location to another. 


3/4W: Ruby L

For consistently demonstrating respect and kindness to your peers and teachers. You are a role model for the class!