
Teaching and Learning (Term 1, Week 5)
Twice a term Learning Communities share an overview of the learning that will take place over the following 5 weeks. The overviews include the areas of; Literacy, Numeracy, Inquiry Learning, Science, Physical Education, The Arts, Humanities and Thrive.
The teachers collaboratively work in teams to plan units of work that are aligned with the Victorian Curriculum. The units of work vary in length depending on the content, skills and knowledge required and are developed around a sequence of learning.
The English units are often aligned with the Inquiry Learning units such as History and Geography which enables students to gain a deeper understanding of the topic. The unit topics are sequenced across the year levels to enable students to build on previous knowledge and skills while developing new skills and acquiring new knowledge.
Please keep an eye out for an overview of student learning from your childs’ Learning Community during the next week. It will be posted on Seesaw.
Learning in P.E.
Two weeks ago our students were incredibly fortunate to have Peter from Disability Sport and Recreation Victoria come and run the Wheeltalk incursion. Peter gave us an insight into his life and shared unique stories of lived disability.
Peter is a Paralympic Athlete and he spoke to our students about perseverance, acceptance, diversity and the importance of inclusion. The students also got to play wheelchair basketball, which became extremely popular with the over 100 students lining up to play at recess.