(Bernie's Parent Collective)
(Bernie's Parent Collective)
Community - Kids – #PrimarySchoolMemories – FUNdraising!
Despite some early rain, our dedicated and efficient gardeners put in a couple of hours of power on Sunday to prepare the garden for more planting. After plenty of weeding, feeding and watering the garden was looking bright and ready for more planting and a bumper winter crop! We were able to snack on the remaining summer crop of strawberries, along with plenty of tomatoes bursting with flavour. The lone sunflower looked great and we're looking forward to planting more for next year. Over the next few months we'll be working on managing the weeds, spreading woodchips in between beds, and doing some more planting (with the help of the Green Team assisted by Mr Reed). The next working bee date is TBC!
Ideas, donations and a spare set of hands are always welcome! Anyone who would like more information or to join the garden group (or just be part of our WhatsApp) chat, contact bpc@stbernardscoburg.catholic.edu.au.