Religious Education

Yesterday was Ash Wednesday and it marks the beginning of Lent. The forty-day Season of Lent concludes on Holy Thursday evening with the Celebration of the Mass of the Lord’s Supper.
Yesterday the 5/6 students celebrated at our Parish Mass and F- 6 students celebrated with a prayer session and received ash on their forehead. The marking of the ashes on our foreheads on Ash Wednesday is an expression of our faith and a sign that we are asking God for forgiveness.
Students have written their own Lenten Promises. They have chosen to pray, fast or give to others (almsgiving). During Lent we pray to become closer to God, we fast to remind us of the needs of the poor and we give to the poor (almsgiving) to show our commitment to justice.
This year Caritas Australia’s Project Compassion theme is ‘Unite Against Poverty’. It invites us all to Unite Against Poverty and take action to make a lasting difference. To learn more about Caritas Australia and this years Project Compassion you can visit their website: Project Compassion
Each family will receive a Project Compassion Money Box to raise money for Caritas Australia. After Easter money boxes are to be returned to school where I will send the money raised to Caritas Australia.
To learn more about Lent, watch the following video.