School News


On Wednesday Year 6 Koorie leaders (Layla, Kaley, Lyric and Preston) educated Year 1 students about local Indigenous culture. They displayed a presentation with information and showed artifacts and boomerangs which the Year 1’s were able to touch and pass around. Preston brought along his special ceremonial boomerang, didgeridoo and his bundi stick to show and discuss. The year 1’s were impressed with his playing ability and they had some excellent questions at the end of the presentation, which the leaders were able to answer. This was a great opportunity for our leaders to show responsibility and share their knowledge. They look forward to presenting to other classes in the near future. 

Kaley, Layla, Lyric and Preston, together with some of their Year 5 and 6 peers, will be representing Warrnambool Primary School on Monday 3rd March when they attend the First Nations Leadership day at Gunditjmara. 

A reminder that parents of attending students are invited to attend the parent information session from 10:30am-11:15am. Please see the Compass event for information.



Today a group of students who qualified by their swimming times competed at the Division Swimming Carnival at Aquazone.

All students should be extremely proud of their efforts and a big thank you to Cherine Owen for organising and attending alongside the students.